1. To receive and approve apologies for absence.
  1. To receive declarations of interest for items on the agenda
  1. To receive a presentation from Viv Pearson, Director of Melville Centre for the Arts Community Interest Company
  1. To receive and approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 9th June 2021
  1. To receive and approve the minutes of the extraordinary meeting held on 7th July 2021
  1. To receive and note the Town Clerk’s Update
  1. To receive and approve the budget reports for Month 3, report 2, report 3
  1. To receive and approve the report on the opening of Bailey Park toilets for the school holiday
  1. To receive the report and approve the partnering agreement with Melville Centre for the Arts CIC
  1. To receive a report on the Christmas Lights electrical health check and approve additional funding for the works required
  1. To receive a verbal update from the Vice Chair of Environment Committee regarding the MCC convened meeting regarding dog waste collection held on 6th July 
  1. To receive and approve the Town Council’s response to the Active Travel consultation
  1. To receive and approve the Town Council’s response to the RLDP Preferred Strategy consultation.
  1. To receive and approve the Town Council’s response to the Qualification of Clerks in Wales Regulations consultation.
  1. To receive reports from Councillors attending meetings of External Bodies
  1. To consider and approve the following planning applications: