
Chairman –    Cllr T Konieczny (Deputy Mayor)

Cllr M Hickman

Cllr G Jones

Cllr N Tatam

Cllr P Simcock

Cllr R Harris

Cllr M Harris

Cllr T Konieczny

Cllr M Groucutt

Cllr T Thomas

Cllr F Morgan

Cllr Van de Vyver

In attendance:

J Lee (Town Clerk)

Prior to the commencement of the meeting, Cllr Konieczny informed Councillors that there had been an omission of an agenda item from the original agenda. A revised agenda had been sent out but not with three days clear notice. Cllr Konieczny therefore asked Council if they would accept the revised agenda or whether they would prefer a special meeting to consider the Finance Committee minutes. All agreed to adopt the revised agenda for this meeting.


Apologies received from Cllrs M Lewis, T Davies and D Simcock  

Cllr Konieczny asked the Clerk to write to Cllr D Simcock wishing him well following his recent operation.  
131/18Declarations of Interest  

To be declared during the meeting.  
132/18To receive a short presentation from Michael Prys-Williams regarding the War Memorial  

Mr Prys-Williams informed Councillors that a revised quotation from a specialist company has been received. The cost is just under £10,000 to underpin the memorial with a geo-polymer system which would take a day. The works would also involve cleaning the memorial and plinth but it was not clear if this would be an additional sum. The works will not be carried out during the Phase 3 public realm works and the necessary works would be completed later in the summer. Mr Prys-Williams requested that the Town Council consider a possible donation via the Abergavenny Civic Society towards the works. Other funding avenues are being explored.  

Many Councillors expressed their support for work and invited Mr Prys-Williams to submit a request for funding.  
133/18  Minutes of Council held on Wednesday 13th February 2019  

The Minutes of Council held on 13th February were received and adopted as a correct record. Proposed by Cllr Tatam, seconded Cllr P Simcock.  

Matters Arising  

The action on continuing discussions with MCC re evidence gathering on air pollution along the A40 through the town is to be carried forward

Town Clerk has received some information from MCC regarding public toilets and a report is being prepared for Projects Committee on 27 March

The Town Clerk has had discussions with MCC Planning regarding the issues of planning applications being determined before the Town Council has submitted comments and MCC Planning has requested that a log of applications is kept so identify specific cases.

The action to arrange another Policy Committee is to be carried forward

The Town Clerk confirmed that the Town Council does not have Critical Persons Insurance should there be an issue with the long term absence of the Clerk

A response to the PSPO for all car parks in Monmouthshire was sent to MCC

A letter was sent to Jeff Cuthbert, PCC and a reply received and circulated to all Councillors.

A working group was arranged to consider the response to Review of Community Arrangements in the County of Monmouthshire and this item is on the agenda

The letter to MCC Engineers re the Llanfoist/Abergavenny Cycle/Footbridge is outstanding

Cllr Sara Jones was invited to the March Projects Committee to discuss homelessness but is unable to attend. Ian Bakewell, Housing & Communities Manager will be attending.  
134/18Minutes of Planning Committee held on Wednesday 13th February 2019  

The Minutes of the Planning Committee held on Wednesday 13th February were received and adopted as a correct record. Proposed Cllr Thomas, seconded Cllr Morgan.  

Matters Arising  

No matters arising  
135/18Minutes of the Projects Committee held on Wednesday 20th February 2019  

The minutes of the Projects Committee held on Wednesday 20th February were received and adopted as a correct record Proposed Cllr Tatam, seconded Cllr P Simcock.  

Matters Arising  

A grant of £2500 is offered to Abergavenny Carnival following receipt of the additional information required

A proposal for the setting up of a Creative Youth Award is prepared

A Youth Town Award is included as a separate Town Award. The Town Clerk reported that discussions had taken place with Liz Davies, Editor of the Abergavenny Chronicle regarding inviting nominations for the 2019 Town Awards

£6000 is offered to the Beaupreau Twinning Association for the Anniversary Dinner but that the request for funding for the sculpture is declined

The relocation of the TIC to the Town Hall is supported
136/18Minutes of the Finance Committee held on Wednesday 6th March 2019  

The minutes of the Finance Committee held on Wednesday 6th March were received and adopted as a correct record. Proposed by Cllr P Simcock, seconded by Cllr Van de Vyver.  

Cllr Thomas declared an interest in the Ffrindiau application as a Governor of the Ysgol Gymraeg y Fenni  

Matters Arising  

Agreed that the Ffrindiau application is referred back to the applicant for further information and evidence of matchfunding. The Finance Committee had noted that the school is outside the Town Council boundary and the applicant would be requested to apply to the community council for funding.

A number of revisions to the small grants scheme were agreed to take effect in 2019/20

The Town Council agreed to sponsor the following on three year basis
Abergavenny Cycling Festival
Abergavenny Arts Festival
Abergavenny Eisteddfod (Adult & Youth)
Abergavenny Writing Festival
7 Corners IYE
ADTA Visit Abergavenny brochure

The budget 2019/20 was approved totalling £374,233 which is the precept figure for 2019/20  
137/18Finance Report    

The following payments were authorised  
Vision Computer Centre Ltd (new PC & installation)                        £780.00
Wales in Bloom (2019 entry)                                                              £155.00
St Michael’s Centre (Hire for LDP training 16.2.19)                          £76.25
Matt Lane (Snow fluid)                                                                       £60.00
Cable News (Feb newspapers)                                                          £53.60
Merlin Waste (dog bin emptying)                                                       £510.00
J. Lee (Restocking Mayor’s parlour)                                                  £37.85
One Voice Wales Membership 2019-20                                            £1647.00  
Month 11 report was accepted.  
138/18To approve the NALC pay ward 2019/20  

The 2019/20 pay award was agreed.  
139/18To agree the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations  

The Clerk informed Council that it is good practice to re-approve these documents on an annual basis. The Standing Orders have not been revised since Sept 2017 as a major revision is expected once the new Committee Structure is agreed. The Financial Regulations were reviewed in 2018.

Cllr Dodd proposed that this item is deferred until the May Council meeting. Cllr P Simcock requested that the documents when revised are made gender neutral.  
140/18 To agree the Town Council response to the report to the report by the Local Democracy & Boundary Commission for Wales on the Review of Community Arrangements in the County of Monmouthshire.  

Cllr Groucutt thanked the Clerk for preparing a well-constructed letter and proposed that the letter is agreed as the Town Council response, seconded Cllr Morgan, vote carried unanimously. The Clerk to submit the response to WG.  
141/18To consider the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales Annual Report 2019-2020 and agree specific responsibility allowance payments in accordance with the IRPW Annual Report 2019-20  

The Town Council is to consider the non-mandated payments proposed by the IRPW 2019-20. These relate to travel allowance, subsistence expenses, payment to Civic Head and Deputy Civic Head. Cllr Groucutt proposed, seconded by Cllr Dodd that the non-mandated payments in the IRPW report 2019-20 are agreed. Vote carried unanimously.  

The IRPW report 2018-19 mandates that at least one £500 specific responsibility allowance is made. Cllr Groucutt proposed, seconded by Cllr Thomas that two specific allowance payments are made in 2018-19 to Cllr Konieczny Chair of Events Committee and Cllr P Simcock as Chair of Finance Committee, vote carried 9 to 1 with 2 abstentions  

Identification of councillors to receive a specific responsibility allowance in 2019-20 will be deferred until the new Committee Structure has been agreed. Cllr Morgan proposed, Cllr P Simcock seconded, vote carried unanimously.  
142/18To consider the responses received from the Town Council Strategy & Action Plan consultation and if appropriate approve  

The Deputy Mayor commended the Town Clerk on the preparation of the document. In discussions Cllr Morgan stated that he would wish to see community asset transfers as a priority. Cllr Thomas indicated that the suggestion included in the report in January 2019 regarding an action to identify new allotments originated from Cllr Morgan. Councillors agreed that the inclusion of an action relating to allotments should be included in the strategy and action plan.  

There was a view that there is still work to do in considering the responses and detail contained in the Strategy & Action Plan therefore it was proposed by Cllr Thomas and seconded by Cllr M Harris that a sub group is set up to consider the details and bring back the final version to Council, vote carried. The following Councillors indicated their interest in being part of the sub group – Cllrs Groucutt, Morgan, Konieczny, P Simcock.  
143/18Questions from Town Councillors to County Councillors on local issues/Information from County Councillors to members  

Cllr M Harris asked for an update regarding MonLife. Cllr Groucutt reported that play provision and outdoor education centres would not be part of Monlife. A report will be considered by MCC next month  

Cllr Groucutt informed Town Councillors that Network Rail will be attending the next North Monmouthshire Area Committee on 20th March.  

Cllr M Harris asked for an update regarding the 21st Schools programme. Cllr R Harris stated that there’s no additional information from that reported in February.  

A request was made for County Councillors to keep Town Councillors informed of the school programme and economic development strategy  
144/18 Members Reports from External Bodies  

Cllr Groucutt – None
Cllr R Harris – None
Cllr M Harris – None
Cllr Hickman – None
Cllr Jones – None
Cllr Tatam – Team Abergavenny
Cllr P Simcock – None
Cllr Morgan – None
Cllr S Dodd – ADTA and informed councillors that ADTA agreed £500 to sponsor Abergavenny in Bloom
Cllr Van de Vyver – Team Abergavenny, Friends of Bailey Park
Cllr Thomas – None
Cllr Konieczny – None  

There being no other business the meeting ended at 8.17pm


Action Name
To continue discussions with MCC re gathering evidence re air pollution along the A40 through the townJL
To prepare a more detailed report on taking forward the closure of White Horse Lane toiletsJL
Arrange another Policy CommitteeJL
To write to MCC Engineers re next steps re the Llanfoist/Abergavenny Cycle-Pedestrian bridgeJL
Clerk to write to Cllr D Simcock wishing him well following his recent operation.JL
That a proposal for the setting up of a Creative Youth Award is prepared.TD
To make revisions to the small grants scheme with effect from 2019/20JL
Relevant Festival Organisers are informed of the sponsorship funding decisionsJL
To send the Town Council response re community arrangements to the WGJL
To arrange a Strategy sub groupJL