PR58/23: To receive and approve apologies for absence.

PR59/23: To receive declarations of interest for items on the agenda.

PR60/23: To approve the minutes from 19th April 2023.

PR61/23: To elect 8 Councillors to sit on Environment Committee. (Chair: Cllr Konieczny,
Vice Chair: Cllr Holland, elected at AGM 10th May 2023)

PR62/23: To elect 8 Councillors People and Communities Committee (Chair: Cllr Jones,
Vice Chair Cllr Eldridge, elected at AGM 10th May 2023).

PR63/23: To receive a £1000 grant application from Contemporancient Theatre.

PR64/23: To receive a draft cooperation agreement Food Festival.

PR65/23: Finance: to receive Month 1 report

PR66/23: To receive, note and approve the Audit Solutions Ltd report for 22/23.

PR67/23: To receive updates from Councillors on the ATC Action Plan.

PR68/23: To receive an update on the website redesign.

PR69/23: To consider a response to MCC ESAG regarding ASB 6th – 12th May

PR70/23: To receive reports from Councillors attendance at external bodies which are relevant to this Committee:
• Abergavenny Eisteddfod – Cllrs Simcock and Jones
• Borough Theatre MCC / ATC Collaboration – Cllrs Groucutt and Konieczny
• Mind Monmouthshire – Cllrs G Wilde and Cllr A Wilde

PR71/23: To consider items for the next meeting on 7th June 2023:
• Invite to Leader of MCC Cllr Mary Ann Brocklesby and CEO Paul Matthews