- To receive and approve apologies for absence
- To receive declarations of interest for items on the agenda
- To receive a presentation from Karen Hoole on what’s involved in establishing an allotment site.
- To receive a presentation from Claire Rogers on the SHIFT project for young people
- To receive and if appropriate approve the minutes from the last meeting on 8th January 2020
- To receive the Town Clerk’s update report
- To have a discussion on allotments
- To receive and approve the Youth Update report
- To receive updates on prioritised action from the Children & Young People, Challenges of Demographic Change Action Tables
- To consider additional actions for inclusion in the action tables
- Reports from Councillors attending external bodies that are relevant to this Committee
- Report from County Councillors on matters affecting Abergavenny that are relevant to this Committee
- Items for consideration at the next meeting 13th May 2020.