Time: 19:00 Location: Melville Centre, Pen y pound, Abergavenny

To People & Communities Committee:

Approved minutes


Agenda & papers for the People & Communities Committee Wednesday 4th September 2019

Please find attached the agenda and papers for the People & Communities Committee to be held on Wednesday 4th September. 7pm, Melville Centre, Pen y pound, Abergavenny

Please note the change of venue from that published on the list of meeting dates. The November meeting will be held at the Air Cadet Squadron HQ.


  1. To receive and approve apologies for absence
  2. To receive declarations of interest for items on the agenda
  3. To elect a Vice Chair
  4. To receive and if appropriate approve the minutes from the Projects Committee held on 31st July 2019
  5. To receive the Committee budget and spend to date
  6. To prioritise one action from the Children & Young People, Challenges of Demographic Change Action Tables to actively progress
  7. To consider additional actions for inclusion in the action tables
  8. To receive and approve the report for support for schoolchildren in Abergavenny to attend the Baba Yaga production on 6th November in the Borough Theatre (written report)
  9. To receive and agree whether to support a performance event in 2020 by the Denmark Street Big Band (written report)
  10. To receive a report from MCC Youth Service on the Summer Activities for 11+ years
  11. To receive a verbal update on the Christmas Light Switch On Event
  12. Report from County Councillors on relevant matters affecting Abergavenny
  13. Items for consideration at the next meeting 6th November.


People & Communities Agenda

Project Minutes 31st July 2019

Month 5 Budget Report

Action Plan Update

Baba Yaga

Denmark Street Big band document

Denmark Street Big band booklet


Jane Lee

Town Hall
Cross Street

01873 735820