Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 1 November 2017 at 6pm in the Mayor`s Parlour, Town Hall, Abergavenny.

Present: Cllr S Head (Chair)

Cllrs D Simcock, Mrs P Simcock, F Morgan, N Tatam, G Jones, Mrs T Davies

In attendance: The Acting Clerk

  1. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Ms S Dodd

The application was considered in detail. Discussion centred around how many parcels would be provided and whether this was the best way to target those in particular need.. After due consideration it was agreed to recommend that the requested grant of £500 be given and a report back on the detail of what was done with it and how many benefited from it. Also, how many of the recipients live within the Abergavenny wards.

It was noted that in previous years the Council had supported one of the major awards to a group/company  in the sum of £500. There was agreement to recommend sponsorship but there was no agreement on the amount to be awarded. After some debate it was agreed on the Chairman`s casting vote to recommend that a grant of £100 be made, with a rider that if an award is to be made next year there will need to be evidence that theatre and dance companies not necessarily performing in the Borough Theatre are considered as well.

The report by the Acting Clerk to make adjustments to budget codes where excessive expenditure or miscoding had been found was considered. There are still one or two outstanding which will be followed up. It was recommended that the proposals in the report be approved.

The issue of the Council`s computer systems was agreed to be referred to Projects Committee.

Members considered the preliminary report to assist with the preparation of next year`s budget. There were questions about previous practice and decisions which served to inform the process. After some discussion it was agreed to note the contents of the report and to consider whether any additional projects or activities would be included for next year by the time it was necessary to finalise the budget in January.

There was a brief discussion on the planters in St John`s Square and their future maintenance. It was noted that this was not a Town Council responsibility and they had been specified in the County Council scheme of renovation for the area. MCC had agreed to fund maintenance until the end of the financial year. It remains to be seen what will happen then.

The meeting ended at 7:50pm

Summary of recommendations:

  1. To grant £500 to Ace Partnership on the conditions set out above.
  2. To grant £100 sponsorship to an A4B award on the conditions set out above.
  3. To agree the budget adjustments outlined by the Acting Clerk
  4. To receive the preliminary Budget Report.
  5. To note the position re planters in St John`s Square.
  6. The Acting Clerk to copy members a list of files held in the office.