Minutes of the Finance Committee of the Council held on Thursday 6 October 2016 at 6pm in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Abergavenny.

Present: Cllr Mrs S Woodhouse (Chair)

Cllrs C Woodhouse, J Prosser, Mrs M Powell, M Hickman.

In attendance: The Interim Town Clerk

  1. Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs D Simcock, R Harris and Ms S Dodd.

It was considered in some detail and recommended that the Council do not take any part in this initiative. If there were a Chamber of Trade it would be a suitable option for them to consider as it would promote individual businesses.

It was noted that a charge was to be levied for the Hall-Keeper`s time on the Sunday when the AAODS  Concert took place. There was some discussion about this and it was agreed that the Mayor and the Clerk arrange to discuss the issue with the Markets Officer.

  1. Nevill Hall Sound had requested involvement with the Christmas Lights Switch – on. Members noted that alternative arrangements had been in place for some time. The Interim Clerk would write to explain this to them.
  1. Armistice Day Arrangements.

Cllr Prosser, as the County Armed Forces Champion, outlined events to be held on 11 November. At 11am the maroons would be fired at the Castle, followed by the unveiling of School First World War quilts at the One Stop Shop at 11:45am and then by the unveiling of a Centenary Field Plaque at Bailey Park at 12:30pm. Publicity for this would be announced soon. Members noted the report.

The meeting closed at 6:40pm

Summary of recommendations:

  1. The letter of Appointment for the Internal Auditor be approved.
  2. The External Audit Report be received and agreed and the Clerk would respond to the points made.
  3. Month 6 Finance Reports be approved subject to the suggested amendments.
  4. The Mayor pursue a proposal for the Christmas Lights Switch-on with a Cycling theme.
  5. No Action be taken on the Market Towns Feature.
  6. A meeting with the Markets Officer be arranged to discuss charges.
  7. A letter be sent to Nevill Hall Sound.
  8. Armistice Day arrangements be noted.