Minutes of the Finance Committee held on July 6, 2016.

A quarterly meeting of the Finance Committee of the Council as held on Wednesday 6 July, 2016 at 6:00pm in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Abergavenny to consider the following agenda.

1. Election of chair. Cllr Dodds nominated Cllr Mrs S Woodhouse as chair. This was seconded by Cllr M Powell and agreed unanimously.

2. Apologies for absence. Cllr R Harris. Cllr D Simcock. (Cllr J Prosser arrived about 5 minutes into the formal session).

3. Declarations of interest. None received.

4. To consider the following grant application and any others received before the meeting, as applicable.

a) Visions in Glass Theatre Company. A grant of £1,000.00 in total was agreed, as per the application. This was nominated by Cllr S Dodds and seconded by Cllr C Woodhouse. It was agreed unanimously.

b) Town Hall Toy Fair. No response has been received regarding any grant application for a forthcoming toy fair. Consequently, until an application is received, it was reserved/postponed for discussion.

c) Abergavenny Youth and Community Centre. A grant application was received on Tuesday (July 5) and forwarded to all members on the same day. There was general support from members for the Youth and Community Centre and consideration of the number of members (30 male and 30 female). However, it was not felt that council should support a £1,765.80 trip to Alton Towers, but would support a DJ and Rap workshop; cooking sessions and arts and crafts materials. A total of £725.00. This was agreed unaninmously.

d) Abergavenny Food Bank. No application was received. It is an action to follow this up.

e) A4B ACTing4theBorough. Support was given to the organisation. A decision to be taken at full council.

f) Big Friendly Read, The Summer Reading Challenge (Abergavenny Library). A funding of £100.00 was agreed unanimously. This funding was agreed by Projects Committee in May, but needs to be actioned.

4. Finance reports for Month 2 and the initial report for Month 3. Received and approved.

5. Insurance renewal.Agreed, but a questionraised (Cllr S Dodds) over the length of commitment to the renewal – 3 years, as previously, or one year. The Town Clerk is actioned to clarify this.

6. New community and town council financial regulations. Received 30.06.16. Agreed unanimously and approved.

7. 2016-2018 National Salary Award NALC/SLCC. Again, agreed and approved for adoption.

8. Any other business agreed by the Chair to be urgent.

a) The cost of the Priory Ward election was raised under AOB. Total cost provided as £2,0017.85. An allowance of £3,000 is in the 2016/17 budget for elections and this cost was determined as unavoidable and approved.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting closed at 6.40pm.