Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 17 June 2015 at 6:30pm in the Mayor`s Parlour, Town Hall, Abergavenny.

Present: Cllr Mrs S Woodhouse,(Chair)

Cllrs C Woodhouse, Ms S Dodd,  Mrs M Powell, M Hickman

In attendance: The Town Clerk

1. Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs J Prosser, P Woodley and R Harris.

2. Declarations of interest would be made as and when necessary

3. The following Grant applications were considered:

a) Black Mountain Jazz.

A bid for £2500 was considered for the Jazz Festival. It was noted that a cost had been included for the hire of staging and it was considered that as the Town Council part-owned the staging in the Town Hall, it would be sufficient to offer a grant of £2000. It was agreed to recommend a grant of £2000 for the Festival. It was also suggested that they should contact adjoining oouncils to ask for support. The grant request form should be changed to make it clear that applicants are expected to approach other Councils for support as those benefiting will come from adjoining communities as well as Abergavenny.

b) Abergavenny Civic Society

A request was received from the Civic Society to join them in making a sum available for young people to decorate the hoardings around the Market Site. After consideration it was agreed that it would brighten up the Town and a sum of £500 was recommended subject to the receipt of invoices.

4. An e-mail from Monmouthshire CC giving a cost of about £1600 for putting up and taking down the bunting in the Town Centre was considered. Given that there will be no carnival this year, it was agreed that this cost was acceptable and the bunting does give a good impression of the town. It was recommended that this should go ahead.

5. The Clerk told members that the dates for the Free Band Concerts had now been agreed as 12 July for the Borough Band in Linda Vista, 26 July for Free Beer behind the Town Hall and 2 August for AAODS Juniors behind the Town Hall.. All would take place at 2:30pm. It was agreed that these should be publicised as much as possible.

6. It was requested that the Twin Town association be authorised to make arrangements for the German visit during the Food Festival weekend. This would save the Council having to do it. It is recommended that this be agreed.

The meeting ended at 6:45pm.

Summary of Recommendations.

1. £2000 be granted to Black Mountain Jazz.

2. The grant form be altered to ask people to approach other local Councils.

3. £500 be granted via the Civic Society to pay for paint materials to paint the hoardings.

4. The quote to erect the bunting be agreed.

5. The Free Band Concerts be publicised.

6. The Abergavenny/Ostringen Twinning Association be authorised to arrange the visit in September