Minutes of the Finance Committee held on Wednesday 27 May 2015 at 6pm in the Mayor`s Parlour, Town Hall, Abergavenny.

Present: Cllr Mrs S Woodhouse, (Chairperson)

Cllrs C Woodhouse, Mrs M Powell, Ms S Dodd, P Woodley, J L Prosser, M J Hickman

In attendance: The Town Clerk

Before the business of the meeting the Chairperson, Cllr Mrs Woodhouse asked for nominations for Chairperson for the coming year. Cllr Dodd nominated her to remain as Chairperson and this was carried.

1. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr R Harris.

2. Declarations of interest would be made as and when necessary.

3. There were no grant requests but a request for a Town Shield by the junior footballers going to Beaupreau had been received. Members supported this request.

4. Internal Auditor`s Report.

The Clerk introduced this report. He noted that the work of the Auditor had gone on through the year, with several visits spread out over the year. This meant that the checks and balances done kept everything up to date. He had found the approach taken to the Audit to be rigorous but reasonable and he commended the Internal Auditor, Mr Stuart Bees, to continue for another year. Members agreed to recommend this to Council

Members then studied the report. There were no untoward issues reported in the Auditor`s Report. Members agreed to recommend to Council that Mr C Binley be recognised as the small jobs contractor and NR and CA Bailey be recognised as the civic functions supplier who may both accrue costs greater than £1000 during the year as referred to in Standing Order 38.5.

Recommended that the Internal Auditor`s report be accepted.

Cllr C Woodhouse asked if any further action had been taken about security in the building. The Clerk said that until plans for alternative uses of the building were provided it would probably be counter-productive to do any additional work on that. Certainly any revised arrangements should be carefully scrutinised to ensure good security.

5. Hanging Baskets

The Clerk reported that he had a problem with the Trunk Road Agency concerning a requirement for different hanging baskets on the lamp posts along Monmouth Road/Cross Street. After discussion it was agreed that in order to maintain the display we should purchase 6 additional baskets and fixings at a cost of some £500 to be taken from the Abergavenny in Bloom budget.

This action is recommended to Council.

6. Specification for the Christmas Lights provision.

The Clerk asked members for their views on the specification that he had circulated. There was discussion on the use of local contractors as opposed to national contractors and the benefit of changing the displays a little each year. It was also agreed that it might be beneficial to consider some flexibility in the length of the contract.

It was agreed to recommend that the terms of the specification be agreed , that local contractors be invited to submit tenders, and the three year period includes an option for an additional year to be negotiated if appropriate.

The meeting ended at 6:35pm                                    PTO

Summary of Recommendations

1. The Town Shield given to the junior footballers to present in Beaupreau be endorsed.

2. The Internal Auditor be engaged for a further year following a satisfactory review of his activities during the year.

3. The Internal Auditor`s Report be received and adopted.

4. Referring to Standing Order 38.5, NR and CA Bailey be confirmed as supplier for the civic functions supplies and C Binley be confirmed as the small jobs contractor for the year.

5. The Clerk be authorised to buy 6 new hanging baskets to comply with Trunk Road Agency requirements.

6. The Specification for Christmas Lights supply be agreed with an option to extend it for a further year if necessary.