Minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on Thursday 29 May 2014 at 6pm in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Abergavenny.

Present: Cllrs D Edwards, Mrs S Woodhouse, C Woodhouse, Mrs M Powell, M Hickman, Ms S Dodd, P Wadsworth and R Harris

In attendance: The Town Clerk

1. There were no apologies for absence.

2. Declarations of interest would be made as and when necessary.

3. Nominations were sought from the members for the role of Chair of the Committee. Cllr Mrs S Woodhouse was nominated by Cllr Ms S Dodd and seconded by Cllr Hickman. Cllr D Edwards nominated himself seconded by Cllr Harris. On an open vote 6 votes were cast for Cllr Mrs Woodhouse and two for Cllr Edwards. Cllr Mrs Woodhouse took the Chair for the meeting.

4. Future Meeting arrangements

Members discussed various options for future meetings of this Committee. Reference was made to the advantages and disadvantages of having regular scheduled meetings, and of the success or otherwise of holding meetings on various days of the week. After some discussion during which it was noted that Finance Committee meetings may become more significant over the next few months with the need to consider service options with the County, it was agreed that scheduled meetings for the first Wednesday of the month should be arranged. Meetings would not be held if there was no business, and in exceptional circumstances it would be possible to re-arrange a meeting for another day.

5. The following grant application was considered:

a) Vintage Vision

Some members expressed concern that there had been some intensive questioning of County Officers about the grants given to the Toy Fair in preparation for this application. It was noted that there were gaps in the information provided which made it difficult to judge whether a grant should be made. A proposal that the cost of hiring the Market Hall be granted was made and seconded. An amendment that no grant be made was proposed and seconded and a second amendment that further   information be sought was noted. On being put to the vote the first amendment was defeated. The second amendment was then put to the vote and carried, becoming the formal proposition. It was decided to refer it back to the applicant with a request that they provide information to fill the gaps. It could then be considered at Council if there is information available in time.

6. Format of discussion with MCC over services.

The paper provided by the Clerk was considered.

Members felt that an urgent meeting is needed with County representatives to see what the County Council`s intentions are for next year, before this Council makes any public statements about its position. Reference was made to unsatisfactory discussions in the past, and the lack of communication over the revision of duties of the second road-sweeper which we are funding. Cllr Wadsworth was added to the group of Councillors to meet the County. The Clerk had written to the County Chief Executive and Ms Kellie Beirne and had been told that Will McLean will be arranging a meeting to start the discussions, hopefully in week commencing 23 June.

7. Additional dog bins

The Clerk had three requests for additional dog waste bins. He asked if members would agree to the purchase of three more bins in conjunction with Llanelly Community Council as there could be discounts available for a larger purchase. This was recommended for approval.

Cllr Hickman thanked Cllr Edwards for his long-standing contribution as Chairman of this Committee, which was supported by other members.

The meeting ended at 6:50pm

Summary of recommendations:

1. That future meetings be on the first Wednesday of each month.

2. That the Vintage Vision grant application be referred back for further information and considered at Council if the information is received in time.

3. That a meeting be sought urgently with County representatives to discuss future service provision, and Cllr Wadsworth be added to the group.

4. That three additional dog bins be ordered in conjunction with Llanelly CC.