Minutes of the Projects Committee held on Wednesday 20th February 2019 at 7pm in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Abergavenny


Chairman –    Cllr T Davies  

Cllr N Tatam

Cllr M Harris

Cllr M Groucutt

Cllr D Simcock

Cllr P Simcock

Cllr T Konieczny

Cllr G Jones

In attendance:

J Lee (Town Clerk)


Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs M Hickman, S Dodd, R Harris, T Thomas  
Declarations of Interest  

To consider the application from Abergavenny Carnival  

At the request of the Council, the Abergavenny Carnival committee have revised their application to include a cost breakdown. The grant applied for is £4000  

The Town Clerk informed the Committee that the Committee have a constitution although she has not seen a signed copy as yet.

The Committee discussed whether some of the costs were necessary such as marshalls if this was a community event with community support. It was felt that the Carnival committee should be provided with details of organisations/people who may be able to help with equipment/manpower.  

It was agreed to offer a grant of £2500 on the proviso that a signed constitution is received together with bank account details.    
Proposal from the Mayor to create two Youth awards  

The Mayor made a proposal that the Town Council should sponsor an award as part of the A4B awards for a young person’s creative award. The nominations can come from any organisation not just those linked to A4B.  

Following discussion, it was agreed that there was merit in this proposal but it requires more consideration to cover how it will be judged, will it be part of A4B or independent, important that it doesn’t reward the ‘best’. The Mayor agree to prepare a more detailed proposal  

The Mayor also proposed that there is a Youth Town Award.

All agreed.  
To consider a request for funding from the Beaupreau-Abergavenny Twinning Association  

A request has been made to the Town Council to assist with the costs of hosting a large delegation (225 guests) from Beaupreau over Easter 2019. The request is £6000 which will be for the Civic dinner on Easter Saturday for guests, dignitaries from France and host families.  

Although this is a significant amount, Councillors were sympathetic to the situation the Twinning Association find themselves in having to arrange and pay for such a large delegation. On a vote, 6 in favour, it was agreed to pay £6000 towards the visit.  

The Twinning Association also requested £2000 towards a stone sculpture to be unveiled as part of the visit. Sketch drawings were circulated. It was proposed that this request is declined as it was considered unnecessary for the commemoration of 30 years of twinning. This proposal was carried 4 in favour, 3 against, 1 abstention.  
Relocation of the Tourist Information Centre  

Councillors received a report setting out the current situation with the Tourist Information Centre which has seen declining footfall and retail income and considered the proposal in principle to relocate the TIC to the Town Hall. This TIC would co-locate with the Borough Theatre Box Office.  

Councillors unanimously agreed to this relocation and requested that associated costs are made available as soon as possible.  

Meeting closed at 8.34pm


To contact the Abergavenny Carnival to request additional items of evidence  JL
To draft a proposal for the Creative Youth AwardTD  
To publicise the Youth Town AwardTD/JL
To notify Beaupreau Twinning Association of the funding decisionsJL