Minutes of the Projects Committee held on Wednesday 24h October 2018 at 7pm in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Abergavenny


Chairman –    Cllr T Davies (Chair/Mayor)

Cllr N Tatam

Cllr M Harris

Cllr R Harris

Cllr T Thomas

Cllr S Dodd

Cllr M Groucutt

Cllr T Konieczny

Cllr D Simcock

Cllr P Simcock

Cllr F Morgan

In attendance:

J Lee (Town Clerk)


Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs M Hickman, G Jones  
Declarations of Interest  

Presentation by Aine Morris, Abergavenny Food Festival  

This year’s festival considered a financial success. Aine reported that promotion through social media is attracting more visitors from Bristol, Newport and Cardiff. More young people visible in 2018 and this presents a challenge to encourage young people without the town experiencing an increase in anti-social behaviour Armed police were present at this year’s festival, councillors were informed that this is now standard practice if considered that an event poses a terrorist threat. Town Councillors asked if notice could be given in advance that armed police would be present.
Aine will follow up

Use of the Castle Street car park was beneficial and will be incorporated in to 2019 festival. However more disabled parking spaces will be made available Cllr Davies informed the meeting that there was confusion regarding the input of a number of voluntary groups and management of car parking. Cllr Groucutt also asked for an update on the committee that was to be set up to consider the community organisations that would benefit from the car parking donations.
Aine agreed to revise the process.

There will not be a Christmas Food Festival in 2018 Food Festival will be 20-22nd Sept 2019Board is currently considering different governance models for the Food Festival AFF keen to develop the children’s content of the festival and a wider programme and to get more involved with the community. It was suggested that contact is made with Y Fenni Business Community. AFF was asked about her thoughts regarding extending the festival further up Frogmore Street. There is interest in doing so but trading in the streets is more difficult then in say car parks. There are infrastructure issues ie electrics and water and also the stalls cannot trade outside businesses that open on a Saturday AFF is in discussion with Welsh Government in increasing promotion of the Food Festival as Food tourism event AFF is keen to collaborate with the Town Council. Suggested areas are events infrastructure, community arts and events production experience for young people aged 18-25 years. Further discussion to take place at the AFF board meeting on 7th November which will inform a proposal to the Town Council.  

The Chair thanked Aine Morris for her presentation.  
To consider the ‘Projects’ element of the 2019/20 budget  

Councillors considered potential projects and spend for the coming financial year.  

It was agreed that sub groups need to be set up to look in more detail at a number of potential projects including:

AllotmentsFood city/food at play schemes Abergavenny in Bloom Opening the river to watercraft    
To discuss how to take forward Section 106 community projects register request.  

It was agreed to ask Mike Moran, MCC to provide more detail regarding this request when he attends Finance Committee on 7th November.  
To agree to hold the November meeting at Abergavenny Community Centre  

It was agreed to hold the November meeting at the Abergavenny Community Centre to discuss how the town council can work in partnership with the Abergavenny Community Centre.  
 Any Other Business   None  

Meeting closed at 8.45pm