Minutes of the Projects Committee held on Thursday 24th May 2018 at 7pm in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Abergavenny


Chairman –    Cllr T Davies (Mayor)

Cllr T Konieczny

Cllr N Tatam

Cllr P Simcock

Cllr M Harris

Cllr D Simcock

In attendance:

J Lee (Town Clerk)

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs R Harris, M Hickman, G Jones, S Dodd, T Thomas, M Groucutt, L Van de Vyver, F Morgan  
Declarations of Interest  
To receive two presentations from Justine Wheatley from PEAK and Carl Touhig from MCC  

Justine Wheatley addressed the meeting and requested financial support from the Town Council for the sculptures for the 2018 Food Festival. 

The points raised included:  

20th anniversary of the Food Festival
Volunteer input approx. 2-2500 volunteer hours

Intellectual property rights lies with the designer Loss of revenue for PEAK when the sculptures are being created as takes up studio space

Need to find a way of encouraging more young people to get involved

Some sculptures have been auctioned Information board in Market Hall needs updating

This year a 20th anniversary banner to be created, this could include the Town Council crest  

Carl Touhig, MCC addressed the meeting and the following points were discussed:  

MCC will carry out a deep cleanse with existing staff ie at no extra cost to the Town Council but this will be a gradual processTo deep clean the town in one go would be an additional cost which MCC will provide.

Town Councillors to let the Town Clerk know of any areas to be prioritised.

MCC are willing to work with Town Councillors to request that residents refrain from parking up one side of the street for a number of hours to enable to road sweeper to effectively clean the streets

MCC have a chewing gum removal machine which they are currently trialling but have stated that the removal of gum is a slow process. MCC will provide prices for this serviceMore information will be supplied from MCC re highway maintenance schedules including drain clearing and weed spraying

Councillors were informed that Chepstow TC have a SLA with MCC and pay for a fully dedicated team      
Matters arising from the Action Table  

Outstanding actions:  

To contact Network Rail re car parking at the station
To chase up additional dog bin for Grofield ward
To arrange a facilitated session for all Town councillors    
 To consider the funding application from PEAK  

The funding application to the Town Council is for £6000 for the sculptures for the 2018 Food Festival. Cllr Konieczny proposed and Cllr P Simcock seconded the recommended that £4500 is awarded to PEAK. Five voted in favour, one against therefore the recommendation was carried.  
To consider future street cleansing arrangements  

This item was deferred until more information has been received from MCC  
Town Council Accommodation with the Town Hall Redevelopment  

It was resolved to accept Option 1 which is for a ground floor office for the Town Clerk (with the proviso of the incorporation of natural lighting, improved ventilation and heating) and with a Mayor’s Parlour and use of the Community Room on the first floor.  
To consider an application for funding for the Cycling Festival  

An application has been received for the Abergavenny Festival of Cycling for £5000 towards staging this year’s event.  

Cllr M Harris proposed and Cllr D Simcock seconded the recommendation that Council award £5000. Due to the date of the event Council will be asked to approve the recommendation without reference to Finance Committee.  
Christmas Lights Contracts Extension Proposal  

The report considered by Councillors set out a contract extension proposal by City Illuminations for one or two years with additional Christmas Lights for the same contract price. Cllr Davies proposed accepting the two year extension which was seconded by Cllr Konieczny and passed unanimously. The recommendation for Council is to approve a waiver to financial regulations to enable the acceptance of the City Illuminations proposal.  

It was also agreed that sponsorship arrangements should be considered for the Christmas Lights.  
 Abergavenny Tourist Information Centre Proposal  

The Town Council has been asked to contribute to the running of the Tourist Information Centre for 2018/19. Cllr P Simcock proposed and Cllr D Simcock seconded that a recommendation is made to Finance Committee that £10,000 is made available with the understanding that the Town Council is an equal partner and wants to work with MCC and BBNPA to find a more sustainable future for the TIC in Abergavenny.  

At 9pm in accordance with Standing Orders, Cllr Tatam proposed and Cllr Davies seconded that the meeting should continue until all matters discussed. All agreed  
 To agree a presentation for the June Meeting  

Agreed to a presentation from Rachael Rogers, MCC
 Any Other Business  

Signage. Cllr P Simcock reported that appropriate signage for drivers entering Abergavenny is being discussed at a Spreading the Word group and may need to be considered by the Town Council at a future Projects meeting.  

Abergavenny in Bloom – Cllr Konieczny provided an update and requested that £300 is made available from the Abergavenny in Bloom budget to plant the 3 flower beds by the bus station as MCC are no longer planting these. Cllr Konieczny proposed that the cost is approved within the £10000 budget which will reduce the amount for the Awards Event. This was seconded by Cllr Davies.  

It was agreed to request that Council considers changing the day of Projects as it currently clashes with other meetings to which Councillors are expected to attend.  


To approve a grant of £4500 to PEAK for the Food Festival sculptures (Request was made for £6000).   
To approve a grant of £5000 the staging of the Abergavenny Festival of Cycling 2018   
To approve a waiver to financial regulations to enable the Council to accept the two year extension to the Christmas lights contract with City Illuminations which will result in more lights for the same contract price   
To approve funding of £10,000 to the Tourist Information Centre on the understanding that the Town Council is an equal partner and is fully involved in decisions on the TICs future.   
To approve a change of date for Projects Committee   


Town Councillors to let the Town Clerk know of any areas to be prioritisedAll
To contact Network Rail re car parking at the station  JL
To chase up additional dog bin for Grofield wardJL
To arrange a facilitated session for all Town councillors  JL
To note additional planting within the Abergavenny in Bloom budgetAll