Minutes of the Projects Committee held on Thursday 26th April 2018 at 7pm in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Abergavenny


Chairman –    Cllr D Simcock (Mayor)

Cllr T Konieczny

Cllr T Davies

Cllr N Tatam

Cllr P Simcock

Cllr M Groucutt

Cllr T Thomas

Cllr L Van de Vyver

Cllr F Morgan (part of the meeting)

In attendance:

J Lee (Town Clerk)

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs R Harris, M Hickman, G Jones, S Dodd  
Declarations of Interest  
To receive two presentations from Josh Klein, Head of Youth Services, MCC and Ruth Iles and Hugh Evans from Just Food  

Josh Klein from MCC Youth Services addressed the meeting.

The main points raised were:   Core age is 11-17 years Two workers attend the KHS Hub during term time. Counselling services are offered through the KHS Hub 2 days a week

Summer provision arranged by Youth Services, Countryside, Attractions, Leisure is being co-ordinated into one promotion. Leaflets to be ready by end of MayYouth Services organises trips, Skate Jam and Youth ClubsYouth Counselling offered via home visits and through ACE In Caldicot and Monmouth, youth trusts provide a building and MCC Youth Services run the service. The Town Council’s provide funding to the trusts DofE has increasing numbers joining the Scheme Josh Klein to prepare a bullet point proposal on how the Town Council could support youth provision in the town  

Ruth Iles and Huw Evans from Just Food addressed the meeting and shared their Towards a Manifesto for Food.  

The Manifesto will be formally launched on 8th May. Support from the Town Council was requested. Just Food to prepare a proposal for Council.  

Fred Morgan joined the meeting at 8pm
Matters arising from the Action Table  

Cllr Davies confirmed that Jan Thomas would be making gifts for both the Beaupreau and Ostringen twinning visits.  
Abergavenny In Bloom Update Report  

A replacement planter scheme was agreed with four planters to be replaced in 2018/19.  

It is recommended that Council agrees to:  

To approve the purchase of 4 planters in 2018/19 at a cost of £1600 and that this is funded from the Projects Accumulated Fund    
Large Grants Procedure  

The report setting out a new approach to awarding larger grants was considered. This was considered premature and that the Council should be setting its goals & objectives from which the funding requirements/projects will follow.  

It is recommended that Council agrees to:  

A facilitated session for all Town Councillors with the purpose of agreeing the Town Council objectives for the remainder of the Council term.  

In the interim it was agreed that the small grants scheme application form and guidance notes should be amended and made available to potential applicants.  

In accordance with Standing Orders, a vote was carried to extend the meeting beyond 9pm.  
Future presentations  

It was agreed to invite the following presentations to the May meeting.  

Justine Wheatley, Peak (formerly Arts Alive)Rachel Rogers, Museum Service, MCC    
Any Other Business  

The Mayor shared a request by the Independent Panel on Town & Community Councils to host a pop in session on 24th May. A different date was considered preferable and the Town Clerk requested to find out about alternative dates.  

Correspondence had been received from MCC Rights of Way regarding a 6 month extension to the diversion of the path whilst bridge works were taking place at railway station. The Town Clerk as requested to confirm that there were no objections to this extension however the work should be completed asap.  


To approve the purchase of 4 planters in 2018/19 at a cost of £1600 and that this is funded from the Projects Accumulated Fund   
The small grants scheme application form and guidance notes to be amended and made available to potential applicantsJL
A facilitated session for all Town Councillors with the purpose of agreeing the Town Council objectives for the remainder of the Council term.   
The Secretariat to the Independent Review of Town & Community Councils to be contacted over alternative dates for a pop in sessionJL
MCC to be informed of no objection to extension of the diversion at the railway stationJL