Minutes of the Projects Committee held on Thursday 25th January 2018 at 7pm in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Abergavenny


Chairman –    Cllr D Simcock (Mayor)

Cllr M Harris,

Cllr M Hickman,

Cllr T Konieczny,

Cllr G Jones,

Cllr T Davies

Cllr S Dodd

Cllr N Tatam,

Cllr P Simcock,

Cllr F Morgan,

Cllr T Thomas,

Cllr L Van de Vyver

In attendance:

J Lee (Town Clerk)


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Groucutt, Cllr Head and Cllr R Harris.  
Declarations of Interest  

No declarations of interest  
Presentation on EU Agri-Urban Project by Deserie Mansfield and John Prosser  

A video of the September Agri-Urban reception held in Abergavenny was played which included interviews with partner countries.  

The Agri-Urban group is currently finalising the draft action plan ready for consultation in February/March. The final plan is to be submitted by 18th April.  

The draft plan is expected to highlight 3 priorities for future implementation, these are:

Food Centre of Excellence/Food Hub to encourage and support new food businesses

Education programme to encourage new entrants to the food sectorFood strategy for the area  

The plan is not intended to give solutions rather it will offer advice to help find solutions. Concerns were raised re the impact of Brexit on future co-operation with EU countries.  

The draft plan will be send to the Town Council mid-February. The Agri-Urban project would be seeking comments from the Town Council together with a Foreword from the Mayor.  
Draft Monmouthshire Well Being Plan Consultation Response  

Agreed to submit a response in line with the suggestions in the report together with the following amendments:

Remove the reference to the political cyclesReinforce the importance of accessible language

Question how the objectives will be implemented with no additional funding

Stress the importance of the statutory services to provide safety net for the more vulnerable in our society  

ACTION: Town Clerk to prepare the draft response and circulate to all for comment before submission  
Abergavenny Town Council Annual Report  

The Committee received a report proposing the preparation of an annual report for 2017/18. Unanimous agreement for the preparation of an annual report. Cllrs Konieczny, P Simcock and D Simcock volunteered to assist the Town Clerk with the preparation of the draft annual report in time for the April Council meeting.  

ACTION: Town Clerk to arrange a meeting to discuss the format and content of the annual report  
North Monmouthshire Community Plan  

Following discussion, it was agreed that a report is required setting out:  

Which priorities within the North Mon Plan relate to the Wellbeing Objectives that the Council will be contributing towardsOf the above which ones are ‘no cost’ for the Town Council  

ACTION: Town Clerk to prepare a report as above  
Transport Issues in Abergavenny  

The Committee received a report updating Councillors on several transport related issues. This included the decision by WG not to take any action regarding rerouting of the A40.  

Cllr Konieczny requested that the previous request to SWTRA to install a pedestrian crossing on the Monmouth Road by the Plas Derwen public house is followed up.  

The Committee agreed to request that the Clerk investigates further options of car parking at the railway station and potential involvement of the Town Council  

ACTION: Clerk to contact SWTRA Clerk to contact MCC and Network Rail re car parking at the railway station    
Give Dog Fouling the Red Card  

Cllr Davies is the Town Council rep on the ‘Give Dog Fouling the Red Card’ initiative. A request has been received to provide two more dog bins in the Grofield ward, following a vote it was agreed to provide one more bin and pay for the emptying.  

Cllr Konieczny reminded the Committee that there was an outstanding decision on installing a new bin at Ysbytty Fields with the Neighbourhood Watch group offering to pay for half of the cost of the new bin. Following a vote, it was agreed to buy another bin for this location and pay for the emptying.  

Cllr Jones requested that bringing in a Public Spaces Protection Order (as Rhondda Cynon Taff CBC) is investigated.     

ACTION: Town Clerk to arrange for additional dog waste bins and contact MCC re Public Spaces Protection Order  
Future Presentations  

It was agreed to receive presentations by Y Fenni Business Community and Rachel Rogers, Museum Service, MCC at the February Projects meeting.  
Change of Date of May meeting  

It was agreed to change the date of the May meeting to 24th May as the original date falls in Whitsun school holiday.  

Cllr Jones requested that change of day for Projects Committee from last Thursday in the month be included on the agenda of the May meeting.  
Any Other Business  

Abergavenny in Bloom – Cllr Konieczny agreed to be part of the Abergavenny in Bloom group  

Keep Abergavenny Tidy– This group has not been active for sometime. A number of councillors volunteered to get involved with future Keep Abergavenny Tidy events including a proposed litter pick at Swan Meadows as part of the Spring Clean Cymru national campaign 1-4 March. Cllr Dodd agreed to contact the Keep Wales Tidy Officer for Monmouthshire.  
The meeting ended at 8.50pm