Minutes of the Projects Committee Meeting held on Thursday 27th October 2016 at 6pm in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Abergavenny.

Present: Cllr Mr Chris Woodhouse(Mayor)

Cllrs Mrs S Woodhouse, D Simcock, Ms S Dodd, M J Hickman, R Harris, M Harris, Miss M Toombs, N Tatam.

In attendance: The Town Clerk, Bill Owen, Esther Weller (new events company), Stan Pochron (Civic Society).

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs T Thomas, M Powell, D Edwards & J Prosser, Ruth Coulthard (Civic Society).

  1. There were no declarations of interest.

All councillors expressed their disappointment at this change of date and the effect it may have on our event, especially after many years of hard work by Bill Owen to make the event such a success with over 600 people taking part last year. It was felt that Bills work should be recognised by both the Welsh Government and the Velethon organisers. Suggestion were made about lobbying County Councillors and Welsh Government regarding the changes. The Town council is willing to help in any way they can, the Mayor gave Bill Owens a grant application form to complete and informed him that the town will give its full support to the event.

Councillors discussed the bollards in St Johns Square and the damage being caused by cars parking incorrectly. Mayor informed all that more removable bollards would be put in place, though this will have a cost to the council. Council to ask for costs from Rob Davies.

All completed form will be entered in to a draw with the first prize being £100 and runner up prizes of 2 X £25. It is hoping this will increase the footfall to all businesses in the town. The event will run from 1st – 24th December, poster and leaflets are currently under production and the cost to the council is nil. The event will also be promoted on the Internet. Businesses taking part can be expanded on the run up to Christmas if necessary. The Civic Society have been contacted and are on-board with the scheme.

It was requested if Esther could come back in the new year and give the council an update of how the event went – Esther agreed.

The mayor closed the meeting at 6.30pm.