- To receive and approve apologies for absence
- To receive declarations of interest for items on the agenda
- To receive a presentation from Anthea Fairey, Chair of Friends of Castle Meadows on their activities
- To receive and approve the minutes of the meeting held on 23rd October 2019
- To receive the Committee budget and spend to date
- To receive the Town Clerk’s update report
- To consider and make recommendations regarding the following planning applications:
- DM/2019/01730 Demolition of the existing side wing and new single storey side extension to a two storey house at 14 Holywell Close, NP7 5LN
- DM/2019/01697 Two storey extension to rear, alteration to existing garage roof and insertion of first floor window at 79 Chapel Road, NP7 7DR
- DM/2019/01794 Demolition and re-siting of ATS car service centre, to extend foodstore and reconfigure car park at Aldi, Mill Street, NP7 5HE
- DM/2019/01763 Modification/removal of condition on DC/2016/00683 25 Albert Road, NP7 5RH. Seeking to extend the time required to submit a reserved matters application
- DM/2019/01740 Change of use from C1 Guest House to C2 Residential care facility and two storey rear extension at Black Lion Guest House, 43 Hereford Road, NP7 5PY
- DM/2019/01833 Construction of a grey uPVC conservatory at 11 Clos y Pinwydd, NP7 5JP
- To receive and approve the Section 6 Environment Act (Wales) Biodiversity report
- To receive and comment on the SWTRA planting proposals for the Cantref roundabout
- To receive and approve the Outdoor Water Fountain proposal
- To receive and approve the 2020/21 budget proposals
- To receive details of the Team Abergavenny Enhancing the Environment activities (email from Patrick Hannay)
- To receive progress on the ‘Protect & Enhance The Environment’ and ‘Economically Thriving Town’ action tables
- To consider additional actions for inclusion in the action tables
- Report from Councillors attendance at external bodies relevant to this Committee
- Report from County Councillors on matters affecting Abergavenny relevant to this Committee
- Items for consideration at the next meeting 18th December.
Sec 6 Environment Act Biodiversity Report
SWTRA Planting proposals for Cantref Roundabout