Present:        Cllr T Davies (Chair)

Cllr T Konieczny 

Cllr N Tatam

Cllr G Jones

Cllr M Groucutt

Cllr D Simcock

Cllr P Simcock

Cllr L Van de Vyver

Cllr S Dodd

Cllr T Thomas

Cllr R Harris

Cllr M Harris

Cllr M Hickman

In attendance: J Lee (Town Clerk)

1. Apologies for absence

Received from Cllrs F Morgan and M Lewis

2. Declarations of Interest

Cllr R Harris is a member of MCC Planning Committee. He took no part in the decision making and voting on these items and acted, where required, in a factual advisory capacity.

Cllrs Tatam & Hickman, as Board Members of Homemakers Community Recycling declared an interest in application DM/2018/01442.

3. The following applications were recommended for approval

DC/2017/00878 – Remodelling Leven House, Lion Street, NP7 5NT. The application does not refer to the treatment of the mature trees within the development proposals. The Town Council wishes to see these mature trees retained as part of the development.

DM/2018/01137 LBC Pen Y Fal Chapel, Sycamore Avenue, Abergavenny, NP7 5LX. The Town Council recommends approval subject to the approval from the Heritage Manager

DM/2018/01136 Planning Permission Pen Y Fal Chapel, Sycamore Avenue, Abergavenny, NP7 5LX. The Council recommends approval and welcomes the reuse of this vacant building.

DM/2018/01310 – LBC masonry link between Farmers Arms & Bethany Chapel, 34 Lion Street, Abergavenny, NP7 5NT. The Town Council recommends approval subject to approval from the Heritage Manager

DM/2018/01177 – LBC – The Kings Head Hotel, 60 Cross Street, Abergavenny, NP7 5NT. The Town Council recommends approval subject to approval from the Heritage Manager

DM/2018/01132 – Widening of entrance 21 Baker Street, Abergavenny, NP7 5BB

DM/2018/01262 – Tregarth, 25 Avenue Road, Abergavenny, NP7 7DA 

DM/2018/01229 – Discharge of conditions at Coed Glas, Firs Road, Abergavenny, NP7 5LE 

DM/2018/01065 – Discharge of conditions at Coed Glas, Firs Road, Abergavenny, NP7 5LE

DM/2018/01382 – Change of use at 5 Frogmore Street, Abergavenny, NP7 5AE

Cllrs Tatam and Hickman left the room for the discussion on the following application.

DM/2018/01442 – Single storey building at Former Gas Works, Merthyr Road, Abergavenny

The following application is recommended for refusal

DM/2018/01283 – Reserved matters at Hillcrest, Lansdown Road, Abergavenny, NP7 6AN. The Town Council recommends refusal of this application on the grounds that the development as proposed is out of proportion with the existing properties in this area and is therefore contrary to planning policy DES 1 b), c), d) and g). The development will also have an adverse impact on the mature trees leading to loss of frontage trees which currently contribute to the character of the road. 

4. Any other business

The Town Clerk drew Members attention to a request submitted to MCC by Asbri Planning for an EIA scoping opinion for Chapel Farm Fields, Abergavenny. Asbri Planning are acting as agent for Hallam Land Management.

MCC has informed the Town Council that it is not usual practice to consult with Town & Community Councils on Scoping Opinions but that doesn’t preclude the Town Council from making comment.

It was agreed that a response should be submitted and the Town Clerk will circulate more details to Councillors asap.

The Town Clerk also brought to members attention notification of a pre-application consultation for an eco-village on land adjacent to St Teilo’s Church, Llantilio Pertholey. Although out of the Town Council’s boundary, details will be circulated for information.

The meeting closed at 9.20pm