Present: Cllr D Simcock (Mayor)

Cllrs M Groucutt, Mrs M Harris, M Hickman, T Konieczny, N Tatam, Mrs P Simcock, , F Morgan, Mrs T Davies, Mrs S Dodd, G Jones, T Thomas, R Harris, S Head

In attendance: Town Clerk

1. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Van de Vyver

2. Declarations of Interest were received from Cllr R Harris. He took no part in the discussion of these items.

3. The following applications were recommended for approval:

DC/2017/01271 Certificate of Existing Lawful Use of Development – Change of use of the building from dwellinghouse to two dwellinghouses at 1a Chapel Road, Abergavenny, NP7 7DN

DC/2017/01357 Change of existing roof and a part flat roof to a pitched roof at 48 Hatherleigh Road, Abergavenny, NP7 7RG

DC/2017/01243 Proposed garage conversions and side extension and a loft conversion at 27 Chestnut Drive, Abergavenny, NP7 7AB

DC/2017/01400 Change of use of former pub into a single residence including demolition of lean-to structures at the rear and side together with other alterations at 22 Monmouth Road, Abergavenny, NP7 5HH

DC/2017/01362 Proposed alterations and refurbishment to existing rear extension at 29 Western Road, Abergavenny, NP7 7AB

DC/2017/01360 Discharge of conditions related to planning application SC/2014/01015 at the The Old Convent, Pen y Pound

4. The following applications were recommended for refusal on the grounds stated:

DC/2017/01367 Change of use from A1 to A2 at Rosemarys, 47 Cross Street, Abergavenny NP7 5ER as it is considered essential that the retail core of the Abergavenny’s main retail centre is protected and that developments which undermine this function are resisted. 

MCC LDP Policy RET 2 Central Shopping Areas seeks to ensure that ground floor premises are retained for uses that will sustain / enhance the vitality, attractiveness and viability of Central Shopping Areas and complement their shopping role / character. The change to A2 would reduce the Abergavenny’s town shopping offer.

Comments were made on the quality of some of the plans that accompany the planning applications.

ACTION: Clerk to feedback comments on quality of plans to MCC Planning 

5. Any Other Business

The Planning Committee considered comments prepared by Cllr T Konieczny on the Henstaff Development 17-25 Brecon Road as part of the developers pre-application consultation requirement. Concerns were voiced over the density, lack of affordable housing and inadequate car parking provision. Cllr S Dodd proposed that the prepared comments were adopted, seconded by Cllr S Head.

ACTION: Clerk to prepare and send the Abergavenny Town Council response to LRM Planning who are the planning agent for developer.

There being no other business the meeting ended at 8.35 pm