Minutes of the Planning Committee held on Wednesday 11 October 2017 after the Council Meeting in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Abergavenny

Present: Cllr D Simcock (Mayor)

Cllrs M Groucutt, M Hickman, S Head, G Jones, N Tatam, Ms S Dodd, Mrs T Davies, L Van de Vyver and T Thomas

In attendance: The Acting Town Clerk

1. Apologies for absence were received  from Cllrs Mrs P Simcock, F Morgan, Mrs M Harris, R Harris and T Konieczny

2. There were no declarations of interest.

3. The following applications were recommended for approval:

(i) DC/2017/01005Planning Permission: Installation of a roof-light window (Velux conservation) in a slate roof at the rear of property size 550cm x 978xm.  Chapel Cottage, Chapel Lane, Abergavenny  NP7 7BT

(ii) DC/2017/01103Listed Building Consent: Construction of internal staircase between GF and FF.  The Britannia Inn, 51 Frogmore Street, Abergavenny  NP7 5AR  subject to the views of the Conservation Officer

(iii) (DC/2017/01121:  Non Material Amendment:  Non material amendment to previous application DC/2017/00437 – insertion of small window with obscure glazing to ground floor shower room.  121 Park Crescent, Abergavenny  NP7 5TN

4. The following application was recommended for refusal on the reasons given below:

(i) DC/2016/01342Planning Permission: Proposed conversion, extension and mansard roof extension of the property to form 21 residential units with onsite cycle and vehicular parking, refuse and amenity facilities.    Newbridge House, Tudor Street, Abergavenny  NP7 5HU

Newbridge House lies within the Abergavenny Conservation Area. There are other development opportunities adjacent to the site (the former Police Station and Magistrates Court) and this scheme will set an important precedent in terms of approach and quality.

The Council agrees with the Abergavenny Civic Society that “The applicants’ response to the strongly critical Design Commission review……….is insufficient”

We also support the following points made in the Design Commission’s review.

Overall the Design Commission believes “their are crucial aspects of the scheme which have not been considered or tested in enough detail to have reached an appropriate solution. This means that  opportunities to add value have been missed.”

Unless we have imaginative, comprehensive plans for “zones” or “quarters” within the town, haphazard decisions about individual plots will compromise the best use of neighbouring plots and prevent the creation of a harmonious street scene. 

A rushed or careless decision on Newbridge House would set a bad precedent for upcoming applications on neighbouring sites. 

5. Correspondence: Notification Appeal against Planning Application DC/2016/01380LBC1:Removal of existing first floor above front room.  Removal of existing and creation of new internal walls.  New glazed door to front of property.  Removal of existing signage.  Alter colour scheme of facades. The Britannia Inn, 51 Frogmore Street, Abergavenny NP7 5AR has been delayed to 29thDecember 2017 was received and noted

The meeting ended at 8:40pm