Minutes of the Planning Committee held on Wednesday 12th July 2017 after the Council Meeting in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Abergavenny.

Present: Cllr D Simcock (Mayor). Cllrs T Davies, L Van de Vyver, S Dodd, F Morgan, P Simcock, N Tatam, T Konieczny, M Harris and R Harris.  In attendance:  M James (Assistant).

1. Apologies were received from Cllrs M Hickman, T Thomas, S Head, G Thomas and M Groucutt.

2. Declarations of Interest.  Cllr R Harris declared an interest as he is on the Planning Committee for MCC.  He attends this meeting to give advice only and does not participate or vote on any planning matters.  Cllr P Simcock declared a personal interest in Item 3(ii) due to her association with Melville Theatre.

3. The following planning applications were considered:

(i) DC/2017/00761: Planning Permission: Proposed single storey shop extension and formation of additional car parking.  Abergavenny Service Station, 5 Hereford Road,  Abergavenny NP7 5PR

A proposal to recommend refusal due to the impact on traffic and difficulties with ingress and egress was put to a vote: .7 for 3 against.  It was therefore RESOLVED to recommend the application be refused for the reasons outlined.

(ii) DC/2017/00611: Planning Permission:  Change of use form Abergavenny Youth Centre to facility to accommodate trading standards, public protection, community learning and training facility.  Old Hereford Road, Abergavenny. NP7 6EL          

Recommended for approval.

(iii) DC/2017/01401: Planning Permission: Demolition and replacement of single storey extensions to the front and rear of an existing dwelling. The demolition and replacement of the entrance boundary wall including an additional vehicular access point. 8 Belmont Road, Abergavenny   NP7 5HN

The decision on whether to recommend approval was put to a vote: 8 for, 1 against, 1 abstention.  It was therefore RESOLVED to recommend the application for approval.

(iv) DC/2017/00489: Planning Permission: 2 storey rear extension and single storey side extension.    49 Belgrave Road, Abergavenny NP7 7AH

Recommended for approval.

(v) DC/2017/01482: Planning Permission:  One new domestic dwelling with on-site parking and private amenity space. 21 Llwynu Road, Abergavenny. NP7 5TB

Recommended for approval.

(vi) DC/2017/00684: Planning Permission: Replacement of the porch on the front of this property. The existing porch is in poor condition and is proposed to be replaced with one that is of more substantial construction in keeping with the design of the house. Because the porch overflies the sewer that drains all 3 properties in the terrace row build over permission from Welsh Water will be additionally required, but they require planning approval first. 21 North Street, Abergavenny. NP7 7EA

Recommended for approval.

(vii) DC/2017/00416: Discharge of Condition: Discharge of Condition no 4 Archaeological scheme of investigation of planning permission DC/2016/00895. Abergavenny Cattle Market, Lion Street, Abergavenny. NP7 5TR


(viii) DC/2017/00773: Planning Permission:  Material amendment to granted planning application no DC/2014/00816 to provide wheelchair accessible wet room for recently disabled householder.  1 Trinity Terrace, Abergavenny NP7 5BE

Recommended for approval.

(ix) DC/2017/00710: Planning Permission:  Proposed single storey building to be used as a storage building.  St Mary’s Priory Church,  Monk Street, Abergavenny NP7 5ND

Recommended for approval.

(x) DC/2016/00114:  Planning Permission:  Change of use from garden to the retail sale of garden related products and wooden sheds.  Cariad Wales, 56 Cross Street, Abergavenny NP7 5EU

Recommended for approval.

4. Any Other Business:  No other business was reported.

The Mayor closed the meeting at 9:40pm