Minutes of the Planning Committee held on Wednesday 11th January 2017 after the Council Meeting in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Abergavenny

Present: Cllr C Woodhouse (Mayor)

Cllrs S Horrell, S Woodhouse, D Edwards, J L Prosser, T Thomas, N Tatam, M Harris, R Harris, M J Hickman, D Simcock, and Melissa Toombs.

Apologies: Councillor S Dodd.

In attendance:  Town Clerk – Jacqueline Humphries.

1. Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs S Dodd

2. Cllrs Edwards and R Harris declared an interest.

3. The following Planning Applications were recommended for approval: 

4. DC/2016/01341: Planning Permission: Two new domestic dwellings with onsite parking and private amenity space. 21 Llwynu Road, Abergavenny. NP7 5TB

Approved – Concerned about overdevelopment and the shared drive

5. DC/2016/01342: Planning permission: Proposed conversion, extension and mansard roof extension of the property to form 21 residential units with onsite cycle and vehicular parking, refuse and amenity facility. Newbridge House, Tudor Street, Abergavenny. NP7 5HU

Rejected – Committee minded to accept a residential development on the location but would prefer a 3 floor unit – overdeveloped and too high.

6. DC/2016/01454: Planning Permission: Demolition of prefabricated garage/store and conservatory and construction of new single story side and rear extensions. 121 Park Crescent, Abergavenny.  NP7 5TN

Approved – Reference must be made to the objection letter and a sympathetic view should be taken of the proximity of the extension to the house and all matters in the letter to be addressed.  Need to take into account neighbours views and all statutory regulations must be adhered to.

7. DC/2016/01468: Planning Permission: Single Storey rear extension to form sitting room and single story rear extension to form utility room. 2 Dingle Road, Abergavenny.  NP7 7AR


8. DC/2016/01470: Planning Permission: Single story extension to provide sitting room on south side and workshop on north side. 1 Wyndham Road,  Abergavenny NP7 6AF


The meeting ended at 8:45pm