Minutes of the Planning Committee held on Wednesday 14th December 2016 after the Council Meeting in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Abergavenny

Present: Cllr C Woodhouse (Mayor)

Cllrs S Horrell, S Woodhouse, D Edwards, Ms S Dodd, J L Prosser, T Thomas, N Tatam and R P Jordan

Apologies: M Harris, R Harris, M J Hickman, Mrs M Powell, D Simcock.

In attendance:  Town Clerk – Jacqueline Humphries.

1. Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs M J Hickman, M Harris, R Harris, M Powell, D Simcock.

2. Cllrs Edwards are members of the County Planning Committee and declared an interest and left the meeting. 

3. The following Planning Applications were recommended for approval: 

DC/2016/01258: Planning Permission: Proposed Garage. 11 Llwynu Road, Abergavenny. NP7 5TB. Councillors S Dodd and S Woodhouse declared an interest and left the room.

Approved – recommended that the neighbours in Blorenge Road are Consulted.

4. DC/2016/01260: Planning permission: 2 Storey extension to the rear of the existing dwelling. 11 Llwynu Road, Abergavenny. NP7 5TB

5. DC/2016/01212: Planning Permission: Erect a wooden fence to rear, side and front of property and wooden gates. 9 St Ronans, Station Road, Abergavenny. NP7 5HS

Approved – Subject to the fence complying with Monmouthshire County Council planning rules.

6. DC/2016/01243: Planning Permission: Change of Use from residential to B1 – Business Use (light industrial or office use) Nevill Lodge, 63 Union Road West, Abergavenny.  NP7 7RH


7. DC/2016/01194: Planning Permission: Conversion of a loft space above an existing garage to create a home gym and office, including the installation of two dormer roof windows. 1 Chapel Road, Abergavenny NP7 7DN


8. DC/2016/00507: Planning Permission: Extension to ATS Euromaster building (net increase of 17.9 sq m), erection of a new class A1 retail unit (371.7 sq m gross), resurfacing and marking out existing car park. ATS Euromaster, 11 Monmouth Road, Abergavenny. NP7 5HF

Could the roof be made lower –  too prominent for the location.

9. DC/2016/01360: Planning Application: refurbishment of Surgery, replacement of windows and infilling existing glazed lobby to provide enlarged clinical room. Tudor Gate Surgery, Tudor Street, Abergavenny. NP7 5DL.


10. DC/2016/01333: Planning Permission: Construction of a temporary sales office, 3 no. lighting bollards and 1 no. wall mounted gable light. Coed Glas, Coed Glas Lane, Abergavenny. NP7 5LE.


11. DC/2016/01376: Listed Building Consent: Removal of existing and installation of higher first floor above front room, retaining historic beams. Addition of a new first floor above front room. Removal of existing and creation of new internal partitions. New glazed door to front of property. Removal of existing signage. Alter colour scheme to facades. The Britannia Inn, 51 Frogmore Street, Abergavenny. NP7 5AR

Approved subject to all relevant planning conservation being taken into account.

Council recommends a site visit by MCC planning.

The meeting ended at 8:45pm