Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on Wednesday 14 September 2016 after the Council Meeting.

Present: Cllr J Prosser (Deputy Mayor)

Cllrs C Woodhouse,  Mrs M Harris, R Harris, M Hickman, S Horrell, Mrs S Woodhouse, D Simcock, T Thomas and N Tatam.

In attendance: The Interim Town Clerk and the Town Clerk Designate.

1. Apologies for Absence were received from Cllrs P Jordan, S Dodd, M  Toombs, Mrs M  Powell and D Edwards.

2. Declarations of interest.

Cllr R Harris declared an interest as a member of the County Planning Committee and took no part in the meeting.

3. The following Applications were recommended for approval.

(i).  DC/2016/00873:  Planning Permission:  Demolish existing garage outbuilding and replace with new dwelling annexe to provide new orangery/utility and toilet facility, including rebuilding party garden wall with adjoining property.  2B Hatherleigh Road, Abergavenny NP7 7RG

(ii) DC/2016/00976:  Planning Permission:  Proposed mixed use premises incorporating already approved and occupied Class B1 use, and new Class D1 use.  Unit 2 Horsingtons Yard, Tiverton Place, Lion Street, Abergavenny  NP7 5PN

(iii)  DC/2016/00958:  Planning Permission:  Proposed single storey extension at rear of property (replacing existing), conversion of existing garage into living accommodation and creation of new front porch all required to enhance existing property.  19 Belmont Road, Abergavenny NP7 5HN

(iv)  DC/2016/01015:  Planning Permission:  Reinstatement of former living accommodation (dining and living room). Previously two offices. 32A Frogmore Street, Abergavenny  NP7 5AL

(v)  Temporary closure:  Public Footpaths (7 part), Abergavenny Rural and 12(part) Abergavenny Town now known as Footpaths 115 (part), Llanover and 12 (part) Abergavenny. Cllr Prosser will declare an interest at the relevant County Committee of which he is a member.

(vi)  DC/2016/00957: Planning permission for replacement double garage at 12 Blorenge Rd, Abergavenny

The meeting ended at 9:25pm