Minutes of the Planning Committee of the Council held after the Council Meeting on Wednesday 9 March 2016 in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Abergavenny.

Present: Cllr C Woodhouse (Deputy Mayor)

Cllrs Mrs S Woodhouse, S Horrell, J L Prosser, P Jordan, N Tatam, D Simcock, Mrs M Harris, Miss M Toombs.

In attendance : The Clerk and Press.

1. Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Ms S Dodd, M Hickman, D Edwards, R Harris and Mrs M Powell.

2. There were no declarations of interest.

3. The following Planning Applications were recommended for approval:

DC/2016/00008 Planning permission for installation of two roof windows at 16 Brecon Rd Abergavenny

DC/2016/00183 Listed building consent for demolition of front wall due to its dangerous condition at 43 Cross Street Abergavenny.

DC/2016/00097 Planning permission for change of use  from A1 to A2, removal of security grilles, repaint front elevation and business signage at 36 Cross Street Abergavenny

DC/2016/00090 Demolition of existing extension and construction of new ground floor and first floor extension with porch at 29 Oxford Street Abergavenny

DC/2016/00103 Planning permission for change of use of first floor from Class A3 to Class C3 to form 1 self-contained flat at the Grasshoppers Bar and Café, St John`s Street Abergavenny

DC/2016/00143 Planning permission for two storey extension on the rear elevation at 38 Holywell Crescent, Abergavenny

DC/2016/00092 Advertisement Consent to retain a fascia sign at 5 Brecon Rd, Abergavenny 

Agreed in principle but subject to the Conservation Officer`s approval.

DC/2016/00207  Non – material amendment to planning permission DC/2010/01030 at 18 Monmouth Rd, Abergavenny. No Comment.

DC/2016/00219 Planning permission for change of use from D2 to D! At Unit 1, Castle Meadows park, Abergavenny.

DC/2015/01587 Planning permission for demolition of existing buildings and re-development of the site to include 51 residential dwellings and associated works at Coed Glas, Coed Glas Lane, Abergavenny, subject to sufficient play area and attention to traffic access onto Old Monmouth Road.

4.  There being no other business the meeting ended at 8:35pm