Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 13 January 2016 after the Council Meeting in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Abergavenny.

Present: Cllr C Woodhouse (Deputy Mayor)

Cllrs Mrs S Woodhouse, P Jordan, R Harris, M Hickman, Ms S Dodd, D Simcock, N Tatam, Mrs M Harris, Miss M Toombs, J L Prosser and S Horrell

In attendance: The Town Clerk

1. Apologies for Absence were received from Cllrs D Edwards, Mrs M Powell and M Beecham

2. Declarations of interest were received from Cllr R Harris who is a member of  the County Planning Committee and took no part in the discussion..

3 The Following Applications were recommended for approval:

DC/2015/01526 Planning Permission for proposed three bedroom private house within grounds of Rosehill,  Commercial Street, Abergavenny

DC/2015/01274 Planning permission for roof extension to dwelling at Venlo, 60 Holywell Crescent,


 DC/2015/01392 Planning permission for provision of a private car park for the residents of 108 to 114 Merthyr Rd, Abergavenny, subject to a proposal that there should be double yellow lines on the adjacent Merthyr Road.

 DC/2014/01015 Planning permission for conversion of Mulberry House to provide 19 apartments, the conversion of the Chapel to a 3 bed home and erection of 6 houses on land to the rear of Mulberry Court, including 34 car parking spaces and associated landscaping works. This is agreed in principle but is a big development and the County Planning Committee should hold a site meeting there to be aware of neighbour concerns and issues around the safety of the access. 

DC/2015/01504 Planning permission for single storey extension at Meryswydden, Chain Rd,

 Abergavenny. (The Town Clerk made members aware of a personal interest in this application but as he has no influence over the decision he remained in the room)

DC/2015/01505 Planning permission for removal of existing window and replace with new double doors to provide disabled access, including access ramps, dropped kerbs and handrails at Prospect Community Hall, Prospect Rd, Abergavenny

DC/2015/01442 Listed Building Consent for Bathroom extension and internal alterations at Castle Lodge, Abergavenny Castle, Castle Street, Abergavenny

DC/2015/01441 Planning permission for the above.

DC/2015/01549 Planning permission for demolition of existing lean-to extension and construction 

of new single storey rear extension at Lynwood, 16 Windsor Rd, Abergavenny

DC/2016/00001 Planning permission to demolish single storey kitchen element and concrete garage. Construction of Two storey rear extension and replacement garage. Part rendering of existing side elevation at 48 Park Crescent, Abergavenny.

4. The following application was recommended for refusal

DC/2015/012912 Outline Planning Permission for residential dwelling on ex-railway land at rear of 61 Park Crescent, Abergavenny on the grounds that it is over-development of the area and there is the concern about the safety of pedestrians due to the access arrangements.

5. It was noted that BBNP have Permitted the demolition of steel framed dutch barn and construction of two storey extension containing internal and external seating areas in connection with the vineyard shop/cafe at Dummar Farm, Pentre Lane, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire.

The meeting ended at 9:35pm