Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting of the Council held on Wednesday 12 November 2014 after the Council Meeting in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Abergavenny

Present: Cllr M Hickman JP ( Mayor)

Cllrs Ms S Dodd, Mrs S Woodhouse, Mrs M Harris, R Harris,  N Tatam, J L Prosser, C Woodhouse, Miss M Toombs, P Jordan and P Wadsworth.

In attendance: The Clerk and one member of the public for the first two items.

1. Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs D Edwards and Mrs M Powell.

2. Declarations of interest were received from Cllr R Harris as a member of the County Planning Committee who took no part in the meeting. Other members declared interests at different times during the meeting as indicated below.

3. A further submission was received from Mr C Copner concerning his licence request for an Ice Cream Van to be parked in High Cross area. Members considered the further information, but did not feel it materially altered their decision not to support the application. It was noted that if a licence was granted for Ice Cream it would be possible to also get a licence for a burger vehicle. It was therefore decided not to change the Council`s view and to make that clear to the applicant and to the Licensing Department. It was also agreed to make strong representations to the Licensing Department that unlicensed vehicles should be pursued and prosecuted if they continue to trade. (Cllrs J L Prosser and M Hickman declared an interest in this matter and did not take part in the discussion as they are members of the County Licencing Committee)

3. The following applications were recommended for approval:

DC/2014/01162 Planning Permission for proposed single storey extension to provide new entrance porch and toilet facility at 48 Holywell Crescent, Abergavenny

DC/2014/00607 Land at Deri Farm, Llantilio Pertholey. It was agreed to seek assurances that the traffic generated by this application could be accommodated at the junction by the Bailey Public House as members had strong concerns about the congestion that could be caused there.

DC/2014/01225 Amendment to DC/2012/00887 Window to side elevation to be moved and door to be changed to window. Back first floor window to be bricked up and window next to french doors removed at 13 De Wallingford Close, Ysybytty Foields, Abergavenny

DC/2014/00957 Listed Building consent for alteration and extension to provide enlarged bedrooms, kitchen and dining area with new ensuite shower room, cloakroom and utility room at 10 Fosterville Crescent, Abergavenny. Agreed subject to the views of the Conservation Officer.

DC/2014/00958 Planning permission for the above.

DC/2014/01193 Planning permission to replace flat roof over existing garage with a pitched roof at 76 Penypound, Abergavenny

DC/2014/00596 Planning permission to build a new 3 storey house along with new private garage and the erection of a stone boundary wall at People and Work Unit, Claremont Hall, 32 Monmouth Rd, Abergavenny, subject to views expressed by neighbours.

DC/2014/01124 Reserved matters onland adjacent to 29 Hatherleigh Rd, Abergavenny

DC/2014/01274 Telecommunications notification adjacent to Kings Head, Cross Street, Abergavenny

DC/2014/01121 Listed Building Consent for alterations and extension to rear to provide kitchen at 25/27 Castle Street, Abergavenny. (Cllr S Woodhouse declared an interest in this application.)

4. The following applications were recommended for refusal:

DC/2014/01295 Advertisement Consent for 3 internally illuminated signs and one internally illuminated projecting sign at Lion Works, King Street, Abergavenny This is against the Council`s view about internally illuminated signs. No objection to externally illuminated signs. Still concerns about pavement parking by take-away customers which needs bollards to prevent it.

DC/2010/00670 Land rear of Cross Street, Beili Priory, Abergavenny  . Correspondence from the developer about this application were considered. Members acknowledged that the scale of the development had been reduced, but concerns were still expressed about traffic issues at the Monk Street entrance to the lane. It was also felt that with several historic buildings adjacent to the site, the development would not enhance the area. 

DC/2014/01260 Advertisement consent for new signage at 5 Brecon Rd, Abergavenny. Since this advertisement was not for the occupant of the building but for a business several doors away it was not felt to be appropriate or in keeping. (Cllr P Jordan declared an interest in this application)

5.   Tree preservation order – consent to remove a tree at 6, Chapel Orchard, Abergavenny. (The Town Clerk declared an interest and left the room while this was discussed).

An e-mail from the Trees Officer was considered. He had inspected the tree and had decided that it is dying from the top and can be removed. The Council were being made aware of his decision in the e-mail.

It was decided that The Council have no objection to the proposed tree work at 6, Chapel Orchard, Abergavenny. 

The meeting ended at 8:55pm.