Equality & Diversity Policy

Equality & Diversity Policy


1.1 Abergavenny Town Council is committed to equality and diversity and the vision of improving the quality of life for local people through all aspects of its work.  

1.2 Through the delivery of services to the community the Town Council will ensure that, within reason, these services are accessible to all and that the diversity of people’s needs are fully recognised.  

1.3 Through the Town Council’s leadership role, we will work with partners to promote the importance of treating every individual with dignity and respect.  


2.1 The purpose of this policy is to ensure that Abergavenny Town Council complies with current legislation and with its own commitment to promote diversity and equality, and to tackle discrimination in all its activities and services.  

3. SCOPE  

3.1 This policy applies to council decision-making, services and activities (including participation in the democratic processes), community consultation and engagement, procurement and employment. (This list is not exhaustive) 


4.1 The Equality Act 2010 came into force in October 2010.  

4.2 It  makes it unlawful to discriminate against an individual on the grounds of the following protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. 


5.1 Abergavenny Town Council opposes all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination whether it be direct or indirect discrimination, victimisation or harassment on the grounds of any of the protected characteristics defined in the Equality Act 2010.  

5.2 The Council is committed to the promotion and delivery of equal opportunities in the workplace and in the delivery of services and all other activities undertaken by the Council 

5.3 The Town Council will publish and promote its Equality Policy so that all councillors, employees, contractors, service users and members of the public are aware of its commitment to equality.  

5.4 The Town Council will strive for equality of access to all its services and activities and will consider the equality policy when commissioning, designing, delivering or evaluating services.  

5.5 The Town Council will challenge any discrimination it recognises within the Town Council and the wider community. It is the responsibility of each individual member of council and each individual member of staff to challenge discrimination when it is encountered.  

5.6 The Town Council strives to be an equal opportunities employer. This means that decisions concerning recruitment, promotion, dismissal or any other aspect of employment will be based on the needs of the council and not any assumptions based on sex, race, age, disability, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, married or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, religion or belief.  

5.7 The Town Council will apply equality principles to work undertaken for the council by external contractors or with partners. Decisions to make grant funding and/or to support other organisations and events or work in partnership with any third party will be informed by the Equality Policy and practice of the organisations concerned.  

5.8 The Town Council will acknowledge and, where possible, celebrate the variety of lifestyles and cultures within the town and will support the development of communities and assist them in challenging discrimination.  

5.9 The Town Council will raise awareness and build capacity within the council about the equality considerations by promoting equality and diversity training to staff and members. 


6.1 All members of staff and councillors remain personally responsible for ensuring that they act within the law and adhere to the policy. 

6.2 The Town Clerk is responsible for ensuring staff carry out their duties in a lawful manner and that proper training and support is provided. 


7.1 Any employee who has a concern regarding the application of this Policy should refer to the Council’s Grievance Policy & Procedure. Any volunteer, contractor, sub-contractors, agent of the Council or member of the public who has a concern regarding the application of this Policy should refer to the Council’s Complaints Procedure. Any breach of this Policy will be dealt with through the Council’s Disciplinary Procedures. 

Adopted: 11 September 2019 

Policy Due for Review: September 2022