Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


Abergavenny Town council is the Data Controller and is committed to protecting the rights of individuals in line with the Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation. 

The Council provides a wide range of community services. To provide some of these services we need to collect and use appropriate personal information; this may be collected on a paper of online form, by telephone, email or in person by a member of our staff. 

When you contact us, we may ask you for personal information such as your name, address, postcode, telephone contact details and so on. We will only use this information to provide you with the service you requested or perhaps to satisfy a general query or complaint. If we need to use the information for any additional purposes or uses we will let you know when we collect it. Sometimes we have to share or confirm personal information with other parties; if we need to do this we will make it clear to you on the form, letter or email that you completed to give us your information. 

We will only share information when it is fair and lawful to do so. 

We collect and hold your information to: 

  • Deliver public services 
  • Confirm your identify to provide some services 
  • Contact you by post, email or telephone 
  • Understand what we can do for you and inform you or other relevant services and benefits; or obtain your opinion about our services 

Any information you provide to the Council will be stored securely and used for the purposes stated when the information was collected. 

We will use the information you provide in a manner that conforms to the Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation. Will endeavour to keep your information accurate and up to date and not keep it for longer than is necessary. In some instances the law sets the length of time information has to be kept. Your personal information will be stored in line with our retention schedule. 

The Council has the right to process information in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation Article 6(1) (a), (b) and € and in particular where: 

Processing is with consent of the data subject; or 

Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation; or 

Processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the Council as the Data Controller 

We will process your information for the following purposes: 

  • For the service you requested and to monitor and improve the Council’s performance in responding to your request 
  • To allow us to be able to communicate and provide services and benefits appropriate to your needs 
  • To ensure we meet out legal obligations 
  • To prevent and detect fraud or crime 
  • To process financial transactions including grants and payments or where we are acting on behalf of Welsh Government 
  • Where necessary to protect individuals from harm or injury 
  • To allow statistical analysis of data so we can plan for the provision of services 

We do not use any form of automated decision making or the profiling of individual personal data. Furthermore, we will not pass any of your personal information on to third parties, other than those who either process information on our behalf, or because of a legal requirement. 

Where possible we will only pass on information after we have ensured that sufficient steps have been take to protect the personal data by the recipient 

We will not process any data relating to a child (under 13) without parental or guardian consent of the child concerned. 

We will not process your information using web services that are hosted outside the European Economic Area/ 

At no time will your information be passed on to organisations external to us for marketing or sales purposes or for any commercial use. 

Telephone calls to the Council are not recorded 

Emails: if you email us we may keep a record of your contact and your email address and the email for our record keeping of the transaction. For security reasons we will not include any confidential information about you in any email we send to you unless you consent to this. 

We suggest that you keep the amount of confidential information you send to us via email to a minimum and use our secure online form. Any information provided through the Council’s contact page on its website and where you enquire about services or you wish to tell us something else such as making a comment, compliment or complaint will be used for the purposes which we reasonably believe it was provided for. 

Where the Council is relying on consent to process personal data, individuals have the right to withdraw their consent and can do so by contacting the Town Clerk 

Individuals have a right to access their own personal information, to object to the processing of their personal information, to rectify, to erase and to restrict personal information. 

Any requests or objections should be made in writing to the Town Clerk. 

Town Hall 
Cross Street 


NP7 5HD 


Data Protection legislation requires the Council to keep information secure. This means that confidentiality will be respected and all appropriate measures will be taken to prevent unauthorised access and disclosure. Only members of staff who need access to relevant information will be authorised to do so. Information held in electronic form will be subject to password and other security restrictions, while paper files will be stored in areas with controlled access. If you use our website to provide us with personal details, the webpages are protected by a digital certificate called a ‘Secure Socket Layer’/ This is installed onto the web server to ensure that the information being transmitted is secure and to encrypt that information which makes it virtually impossible to intercept that transfer. 

Where individuals are unhappy with the way in which they personal data has been processed, they may in the first instance contact the Town Clerk using the contact details above.  

In the event that any complaint is not resolved then the issue may be taken to the Information Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:  

Information Commissioner’s Office – Wales 

2nd Floor 

Churchill House 

Churchill Way 


CF10 2HH 

Telephone: 02920678400 
