About Us

Town Council Overview

Welcome to the Abergavenny Town Council website!

We take immense pride in our commitment to fostering a prosperous, vibrant, and sustainable Abergavenny. As a beloved tourism destination, attracting thousands of visitors annually, our town’s influence extends far beyond its borders, serving a much wider catchment area. At the heart of our mission, the Town Council plays various crucial roles. Firstly, we have the power to directly invest in initiatives that bring positive change to our community. Additionally, we actively support and collaborate with others to facilitate meaningful developments. By promoting diverse activities, we aim to create an inclusive and thriving environment for all. Moreover, as the town’s voice, we engage in constructive dialogues with external organisations to champion Abergavenny’s interests and secure a bright future for its residents.

Together, let us embrace the spirit of unity and progress, as we work hand in hand towards a better Abergavenny for everyone. Thank you for visiting our website, and we look forward to your active participation in shaping the future of our remarkable town. 


Abergavenny Town Council was established on November 1st, 1899, as evidenced by the commemorative Town Council Mace, a ceremonial item typically made of silver, often gilded in gold. The Mace is carried before the Mayor, symbolising their authority derived from the crown.

To become a Borough with a Mayor, a District must be granted a Royal Charter, demonstrating its ability to uphold the Mayoralty’s protocol and dignity without political use. The Mayor serves as the Borough’s representative and acts as the First Citizen while also presiding over the Council. They partake in various social and promotional events, attending numerous functions upon invitation.

The Mayor’s role is held for one year, with fellow councillors electing them during the Annual Council Meeting in May. Ceremonial robes are still used for Civic Services and Remembrance Parades, as well as significant occasions like the Platinum Jubilee Proclamation in 2022. Different colours of robes distinguish various council roles: the Mayor wears a regal red and black robe with white gloves and lace trim, past mayors wear blue robes, and current councillors don maroon robes. The Town Clerk dons a black robe and a wig, akin to those in the High Court of Justice. Councillors wear hats to complement their robes, with men wearing ceremonial cocked hats and women wearing tri-corn hats


Our Priorities

The priority areas identified by the Town Council include:

Children & Young People

The young people in the town are our future. The Council will work in partnership with other organisations to improve the opportunities for young people through the provision of activities and facilities.

Communities and Businesses are Economically Thriving and Well Connected

The Town Council delivers or financially supports services which contribute to this objective. These include Abergavenny in Bloom, public toilets, Tourist Information Centre, street sweeping and provision and emptying of dog waste bins, organisations as well as local and national government.

Challenges of Demographic Change

Abergavenny has an ageing population. The Town Council will ensure there is provision and support for the older generation and will seek innovative ways to bring different generations together.

A Responsible Town Council

The Council has a role to play in making representation during the preparation of the Local Development Plan to ensure that the RLDP promotes local industry in Abergavenny so that there is a more appropriate balance between land allocated for housing and employment.

Environment and Climate Change

Abergavenny is fortunate to have fantastic greenspaces within the town and more can be done to enhance these spaces for nature and for people.

Mission Statement

The Town Council mission is Working for and with all the people and communities of Abergavenny

The Council endeavours to be transparent and open to the community it serves. Public bodies in Wales have the duty to develop policy which furthers the seven goals of the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.

The Abergavenny Town Council will work within the goals of the Future Generations Act, and the MCC Wellbeing Plan to deliver consensus policies based on agreed strategies. Working together we can achieve more.

We are facing the still-present consequences of the Covid 19 Pandemic.  The economic situation will place increasing pressures on resources of the Welsh Government and Local Authorities, including the Town Council. The cost-of-living crisis hits more and more in our community. We must strive to make the best use of resources. With limited resources we must set priorities to give all protection possible to the most deprived.

Meet The Team

Sandra Rosser

Principal Officer / Responsible Financial Officer

Jay Shipley

Deputy Principal Officer / Deputy Responsible Financial Officer