Signed Minutes



  1. To receive and approve apologies for absence
  1. To receive declarations of interest for items on the agenda
  1. To receive and approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 9th September 2020
  1. To elect the Mayor and Deputy Mayor for the Council Year 2020/21.

(Please note that the Coronavirus Regulations provide for the Council to determine not to elect a new Mayor and Deputy Mayor with the serving Mayor and Deputy Mayor continuing in office until May 2021)

  1. 5. To approve that the serving Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Committees continue until May 2021
  1. To approve that the membership of the Committees continues until May 2021
  1. To receive and approve changes to representation on external bodies to match the Committees
  1. To note the revised calendar of Full Council meetings until end of April 2021
  1. To receive and vote on applications for the Councillor vacancy in Castle Ward
  1. To receive and approve the budget monitoring and Spend Proposals report
  1. To receive and provide comments on the MCC ‘Provision of public toilets – grant and Abergavenny’ report  

(Link to update report as part of this agenda item)

  1. To receive and approve the Town Council’s response to the Active Travel Integrated Network Map consultation
  1. To receive and approve the application from Plas Gunter Mansion Trust for a large grant of £2500
  1. To consider and approve the following planning application: