
Chairman –    Cllr T Konieczny (Mayor)

Cllr T Davies

Cllr M Hickman

Cllr G Jones

Cllr N Tatam

Cllr P Simcock

Cllr M Groucutt

Cllr T Thomas

Cllr F Morgan

Cllr D Simcock

Cllr R Harris

Cllr M Harris

Cllr L Van de Vyver

Absent without apologies: Cllr M Lewis

In attendance:

J Lee (Town Clerk)

The Mayor reminded Councillors that they are required to give apologies and reasons.

16/19Apologies   Apologies were received from Cllr S Dodd.  
17/19Declarations of Interest   No declarations of interest.  
18/19Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on 15th May 2019   The Minutes of Council held on 15th May 2019 were received and adopted as a correct record.   Matters arising   MCC Environmental Health has been notified of the Town Councils additional request for air quality monitoring to be installed on sites on Brecon Road adjacent to the Merthyr Road junction. Action to arrange a Policy Committee to be carried forward. Cllr Groucutt offered editorial oversight of all draft policiesCllr Davies reported that an email has been sent to Councillors requesting any suggestions regarding how to take forward a Personal Achievement/Creative Youth Award Scheme.Monmouthshire District Scouts have been notified of the grant outcomeJerboa Media has started work on redesigning the websiteThe Council’s insurance has been renewed with Zurich MunicipalMembers Allowances have been processed in the June payrollAll external organisations have been informed of the change of representative. Cllr Morgan stated that he was still receiving emails for King Henry Foundation, the Clerk will rectify.  
19/19Minutes of Planning Committee held on Wednesday 15th May 2019   The Minutes of the Planning Committee held on Wednesday 15th May were received and adopted as a correct record.   Matters Arising   No matters arising  
20/19Minutes of Projects Committee held on Thursday 22nd May 2019   The minutes of the Projects Committee held on Wednesday 22nd May were received and adopted as a correct record.   Matters Arising   The following recommendations were agreed:   That the following organisations are awarded Abergavenny in Bloom funding – FOALS £100, Friends of Castle Meadows £100 and Civic Society £400.That future community applications for Abergavenny in Bloom  funding is considered by the Town Clerk in conjunction with the Lead and Deputy of the Abergavenny in Bloom Committee That £1200 is offered to MCC towards the increased cost of purchases rust coloured planters for the town centreSummer youth trips are priced as follows – Gilwern OEC Day £5pp, Swansea swimming £3 and Gilwern OEC residential £15ppThat any balance from £5000 for Youth Activities could be used to provide activities during future school holidays subject to a proposal being received and agreedThat two additional dog bins will be purchased for outside the Cricket Club and on the Pen y fal estate. That a request is made to MCC for a litter bin on Holywell Crescent which would alleviate the occasional overflowing dog bin issueThat following the purchase of the two additional dog bins as agreed above, that no further bins will be purchased until discussions with MCC on future options for disposing of dog waste have concludedThat stickers are printed and placed on all dog bins informing dog owners where they can dispose of dog waste and that if the bin is full to take the waste home    It was also agreed that the Town Clerk undertakes research on how to progress with an Adopt a Garden scheme (Suggestions made to contact John Prosser (former Agri-Urban Chair) and Pam Mason (Food Forum Chair)) and to price up Town Council branded items    
21/19Minutes of Events Committee held on Tuesday 4th June 2019   The Minutes of Events Committee held on 4th June 2019 were received and adopted as a correct record.    Matters arising   The Town Clerk informed Councillors that volunteers were needed for the Refill Abergavenny promotion event on Saturday. A rota was circulated.There was discussion in Events Committee as to whether Councillors should be DBS checked. It was not considered necessary however the Clerk will seek advice from OVWA sub group to consider appropriate celebration/commemoration of 75 year anniversary of VE day to be set up. The first meeting will be arranged shortly.Councillors requested an update on how the Abergavenny Food Festival will be using the new pedestrianised area of Frogmore Street    
22/19Finance Report     The following payments were authorised   Abergavenny Community Trust (1st 2019/20 payment)             £5000.00 Rialtus Business Solutions (end of year consultancy)               £740.34 RBL (Mons Day Wreath)                                                                £23.00 Websters (Face Painting Fun Factory reimbursed by Melin Homes)                                                                                   £120.00 Office Costs May                                                                             £4474.33 Zurich Municipal (insurance premium 12 months)                     £961.68 Monmouthshire District Scouts (small grant)                              £375.00 Viking (display boards)                                                                   £166.80 J Lee (expenses)                                                                             £29.60 St Michaels Centre (Hall Hire)                                                       £60.00 Cable News (library papers)                                                          £53.60 Merlin Waste (bin emptying June)                                                £510.00 EclipseArts (circus performer Fun Factory)                                 £400.00 Office Costs (June)                                                                          £4474.53 Members Allowances (inc Employers NI)                                    £4078.28 Leather & Tobacco Shop (engraving)                                          £85.00 Abergavenny & District Civic Society (in Bloom)                        £400.00 FOALS (in Bloom)                                                                           £100.00 Friends of Bailey Park (in Bloom)                                                 £100.00 Friends of Castle Meadows (in Bloom)                                        £100.00 OLSM (in Bloom)                                                                             £120.00 NR&CA Bailey (restock mayor’s parlour & stamps)                 £59.10     Month 2 report was accepted.  
23/19 Internal Audit Annual Report 2018/19   The Internal Audit Annual Report 2018/19 was received and approved.   Councillors thanked the Town Clerk for her efforts alongside the Internal Auditor  
24/19 2018/19 Accounts for the External Auditor   The Annual Governance Statement and supporting papers were received and approved.   The following general and earmarked reserves were approved Project Reserves £80,000 made up of £30k Bailey Park Pavilion, £30k Castle Pavilion, £30k Toilet ModernisationChain Restoration £5000Section 151 Reserve £60,000Service Provision Reserve £50,000General Reserve £93,472    
25/19 Macebearer Honorarium   The Council considered a report setting out the honorarium to the Macebearer. Question asked as to whether the Macebearer must always accompany the Mayor when wearing robe.   It was agreed that:   the honorarium remains at £1300 gross and is paid in the July payrollthe role of the Macebearer and honorarium are reviewed following the preparation of an Honorarium Policy and Hospitality Policy    
26/19Review of the Action Plan Progress Report   The areas where no progress noted were considered.   Increase opportunities for young people to have a say in what happens in their town – a number of meetings have taken place with KHS School Council but difficult to arrange meetings with school as timetable very busy. Suggested that an informal setting for a meeting might be beneficial. Cllrs Davies, Koniezczny, Morgan and Groucutt to progress.   Public Service Provision accommodates the needs of older people – the issue of whether toilets in Linda Vista Gardens are required started wider discussion on future improvements of amenities at the Gardens. It was agreed to invite Oliver Barton from Friends of Linda Vista Gardens to a Projects Committee   Green Infrastructure (GI) Strategy – this is an MCC strategy. No progress reported from MCC. Agreed to invite MCC GI officer to a future Projects Committee   The action plan progress report was approved  
27/19 New Committee Structure & Scheme of Delegation   Cllr Groucutt proposed that this item is deferred pending advice in person from OVW regarding how this structure is operated across Wales. This proposal was carried.   Cllr Thomas proposed that OVW is invited to a Special Council meeting so that all Councillors are summoned to attend. This proposal was carried.   Cllr Tatam informed the meeting that the Town Clerk Advisory Committee had not met and part of the role of this Committee is to undertake a performance review of the Clerk.   Cllr R Harris asked whether OVW will be sent the Committee report on this matter and the Scheme of Delegation. It was agreed that OVW would be sent this documentation.  
28/19Update on sale of Council artefacts   The Town Clerk reported that not all the items were sold and that Auction House would keep hold of these items and place them in the July auction.   The gross amount from the May sale was £1804.00, with deductions for commission (£330.30) and haulage (£400.00) leaving a net figure of £1073.70    
29/19Questions from Town Councillors to County Councillors on local issues/Information from County Councillors to Members  

Cllr Tatam asked about a closed footpath on Victoria Street. This was considered to be an issue to pursue with MCC Cllr Sheila Woodhouse.  

Cllr P Simcock requested an update on progress with MCC setting up its own social housing development company.

There was no progress to report  

Cllr Groucutt informed Councillors that David Haswell will be proposing green wedges in the LDP to prevent development on Pentre Lane and Mardy/Hereford Road.  

Cllr Thomas informed Councillors of an MCC consultation on the closure of Mounton House. The consultation is still open. Potential dates for closure extended so closure will not take place until 2020 https://www.monmouthshire.gov.uk/schoolreorganisation/    
30/19 Members Reports from External Bodies  

Cllr Groucutt – KHS Foundation Governors which gives grants to individuals and Headteacher for school use. Cllr Hickman – As above £4000 distributed Cllr Tatam – Team Abergavenny Signage report prepared by Dave Straker presented to Area Committee who have recommended that it’s sent to Roger Hoggins Cllr P Simcock – Relief in Need, have received a referral from CAB Cllr M Harris – CCTV Working Group – All cameras working, film kept for 30 days and police and insurance companies can request copies. Considering using cameras to catch non blue badge holders parking in disabled bays. Cllr Harris asked if Councillors would like CCTV Operator to attend Projects Committee, agreed this would be informative. From 2020/21, there will be an increase to the annual cost to Town Councils. Cllr Konieczny – Mayoral duties  
 The Mayor requested that the date of the July Council meeting is moved to 17th July as neither the Mayor nor the Deputy Mayor will be available to chair the meeting. This was agreed  

There being no other business the meeting ended at 8.55pm


Action Name
Arrange another Policy CommitteeJL
Additional dog bins are ordered and installedJL
Stickers for dog bins are printed and placed on binsJL
Adopt a Garden Research is undertakenJL
Town Council branded items are priced up and reported to CouncilJL
Oliver Barton, Friends of Linda Vista Gardens invited to Projects CommitteeJL
Arrangements are made to meet with KHS School CouncilTD/MG/FM/TK
Advice re DBS Checks for Councillors to be sought from OVWJL
VE 75 Sub group to be arrangedJL/JP
Honorarium Policy to be draftedJL
Hospitality Policy to be draftedJL
MCC Green Infrastructure Officer to be invited to Projects CommitteeJL
AFF to be asked for further information re the use of the newly pedestrianised area of Frogmore StreetJL
Annual Governance Statements and papers to be sent to External AuditorJL
Special Council to be arranged for OVW to attend and discuss new Committee Structures with CouncillorsJL
CCTV operator to be invited to Projects CommitteeJL