
Chairman –    Cllr T Konieczny (Mayor)

Cllr T Davies

Cllr M Hickman

Cllr G Jones

Cllr N Tatam

Cllr P Simcock

Cllr M Groucutt

Cllr T Thomas

Cllr F Morgan

Cllr M Lewis

Cllr D Simcock

Cllr S Dodd (for part of the meeting)

In attendance:

J Lee (Town Clerk)

Prior to the commencement of the meeting, Cllr Konieczny thanked Cllr Davies for her dedication during her Mayoral year.

Apologies were received from Cllrs R Harris, M Harris, L Van de Vyver.  
2/19Declarations of Interest  
Cllr Morgan declared a personal interest in the application for a grant from Monmouthshire District Scouts.  
3/19Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on 10th April 2019  

The Minutes of Council held on 10th April 2019 were received and adopted as a correct record. Proposed by Cllr Jones, seconded Cllr Morgan  

Matters arising  

The Town Clerk reported that MCC Environmental Health will be installing air quality monitoring equipment on properties on Park Rd near Judds Garage. Cllrs also suggested additional sites on Brecon Road adjacent to the Merthyr Road turning. The Town Clerk to inform MCC Env Health of additional sites

Action to arrange a Policy Committee to be carried forwardCllr Davies reported that the action to prepare a proposal on a Creative Youth Award is to be carried forward. Cllr Davies to send an email to all Councillors asking for ideas.

The Town Clerk established that a rep from the Town Council is not able to attend Planning Committee when the Castle Pavilion application returns.

The restoration of the chains will be undertaken in July/AugustThe furniture has been removed from the Chamber and Parlour and is at the Auction Rooms

The repair of the robes will be undertaken in July/August

The Town Clerk reported that a letter has been sent to MCC Youth Service and to date a reply has not been received

The Town Clerk reported she has a meeting at the beginning of June with Roger Hoggins to discuss the toilets

Comments on the MCC Toilet Strategy were submitted

A letter has been sent to the Chair of MCC Stronger Communities Committee regarding 5G and health risks. The Town Clerk has received a reply from the Chair who has asked for MCC Democratic Services to agenda the item  
4/19Minutes of Planning Committee held on Wednesday 10th April 2019  

The Minutes of the Planning Committee held on Wednesday 10th April were received and adopted as a correct record. Proposed Cllr P Simcock, seconded Cllr Dodd.  

Matters Arising  

The LDP Workshop will be arranged when the date for the release of LDP Growth Options is available. Cllr Konieczny informed Councillors that Mark Hand, Head of Planning is attending the July Civic Society meeting.  
5/19Minutes of Projects Committee held on Thursday 17th April 2019  

The minutes of the Projects Committee held on Wednesday 17th April were received and adopted as a correct record with the exception that Cllr Tatam’s apologies were incorrectly noted. He had not given his apologies. Proposed Cllr Davies, seconded Cllr Hickman.  

Cllr Davies suggested that the day of the week that Projects is held should be revisited as attendance is low.  

Matters Arising  

The following recommendations were agreed:  
To agree that ATC take on the ongoing maintenance of Phase 1 planters.To agree to purchase reservoirs for Phase 1 & 2 at a cost of £559.80 plus delivery and for this to be allocated to the Abergavenny in Bloom budget.

To agree that 4 Amberol blue planters WILL NOT be purchased this year and to allow this funding to be used to purchase 2 planters in keeping with Phase 3.

To agree to take on the ongoing maintenance of Phase 2 commencing in 2020/21

To agree to take on the ongoing maintenance of Phase 3 commencing in 2020/21  

Cllr D Simcock requested further information on the potential project for an extension to the facilities at the skate park. Cllr Groucutt informed Councillors that a bid for funding from the Sports Council.  

Cllr P Simcock asked when the Annual Report will be sent out. The Town Clerk replied that this would be determined by the workload of the Clerk so at present is likely to be July.  
6/19Minutes of Finance Committee held on Wednesday 1st May 2019  

The Minutes of Finance Committee held on 1st May 2019 were received and adopted as a correct record. Proposed by Cllr P Simcock, seconded Cllr D Simcock    

Matters arising  

The following recommendations were approved:  

Small grant to Monmouthshire District Scouts for a panel containing names of persons killed in WW which will be displayed with the ceramic poppiesJerboa Media to be engaged to redesign the website  
7/19Finance Report    

The following payments were authorised  

J Lee (Twinning Gift)                                                              £36.00
Melville Centre (Hire Planning training)                               £68.00
Cable News (Papers April)                                                    £53.60
MCC (CCTV Qtr 1)                                                                 £3264.00
Merlin Waste (Dog Waste bins May)                                   £510.00
Dorrell Oliver (payroll Services 2018-19)                           £504.00
Angel Hotel (Installation reception)                                     £1629.60
Viking (stationery)                                                                  £46.76    

Month 1 report was accepted. The Town Clerk informed Councillors that the first instalment of the precept had been received and also that the only budget that has already been fully committed is the Sponsorship of Events as all organisers have received their sponsorship for 2019/20  
8/19Insurance Cover  

Councillors considered a report setting out two insurance proposals, one with the current insurer Zurich Municipal and the other from Hiscox insurance. The proposal from Zurich Municipal was more competitive and offered a similar level of cover to the Hiscox. An option to purchase Key Personnel Cover was discussed and agreed.  

It was unanimously agreed to renew with Zurich Municipal on a three year long term agreement and to include Key Personnel Cover.  
9/19Guidance from OVW on IRPW allowances  

The Town Clerk drew Councillors attention to a summary document produced by OVW on the IRPW allowances to councillors.  

It was agreed that the basic allowances and civic head allowances will be paid in the June payroll. Any Councillor wishing to opt out of the receipt of an allowance is to complete the opt out form circulated with the papers  
10/19 Asset Register as at 31st March 2019  

Councillors approved the list of Assets as at 31st March 2019.    
11/19Standing Orders and Financial Regulations as at 31st March 2019  

Councillors agreed the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations as at 31st March 2019. Cllr Konieczny drew Councillors attention to the matter that the staff and suppliers are still being paid by cheque and moving to BACS should be a priority when the Financial Regulations are revised. This change is likely to require a change of bank.  

Cllr Dodd left the meeting  
12/19 Review Representation on External Bodies  

The Mayor proposed that where appropriate, a lead Councillor and deputy is agreed for all External Bodies.

All agreed and the following Councillors were selected.  

Abergavenny & District Tourist Association        S Dodd, D Simcock
Abergavenny in Bloom committee                      T Konieczny, G Jones
Abergavenny Relief in Need Charity                   P Simcock, T Davies
Abergavenny Food Forum                                 T Thomas, D Simcock
Armed Forces Champion                                   M Hickman, M Lewis
Beaupreau Twinning Association                       S Dodd, T Davies
Borough Theatre A4B                                         S Dodd, T Konieczny
North Monmouthshire Area Committee           T Konieczny, T. Davies Crime
Prevention Panel                                       T Davies, M Lewis
CCTV User group                                             M Harris, G Jones
Friends of Bailey Park                                      T Thomas, T Davies, L Van de Vyver
Friends of Linda Vista                                      D Simcock, N Tatam, P Simcock
Food Festival Charity Car Parking Panel        M Groucutt
Governor of Cantref School                             T Davies
Governor of Our Lady & St Michael School    T Konieczny
Governor of Ysgol Y Fenni                              T Thomas
King Henry VIII Charity Trust                           M Groucutt, M Hickman, T Davies Monmouthshire CC Planning Committee         T Konieczny, D Simcock
North Monmouthshire Liaison Committee        P Simcock, N Tatam
Ostringen Twinning Association                       S Dodd
One Voice Wales                                              N Tatam, T Konieczny, F Morgan
Patron of Beaupreau Twin Town Association     Mayor
Patron of Ostringen Twin Town Association       Mayor
Team Abergavenny                                          N Tatam, D Simcock
Y Fenni Business Community                          S Dodd, F Morgan
Abergavenny Food Festival Board           (Not agreed yet with AFF)
ACE                                                          Already have County Councillors M                                                               Groucutt, R Harris, T Thomas on ACE                                                               Board.
Monmouthshire CAB Board                              F Morgan, D Simcock
Abergavenny Community Centre                  T Davies, F Morgan, T Konieczny
Abergavenny Eisteddfod                                T Thomas, M Hickman  
13/19Attendance Records   The attendance records for the past 12 months were accepted  
14/19Questions from Town Councillors to County Councillors on local issues/Information from County Councillors to Members  

Cllr Groucutt informed Councillors that he was stepping down as Chair of MCC Children & Young People Scrutiny Committee and will be replaced by Cllr Tudor Thomas  

Cllr D Simcock requested an update on progress with Mountain Warehouse moving into the former Burton store. Cllr Groucutt replied that he understood that Mountain Warehouse were still moving premises.  

Cllr Lewis asked about ending buses stopping outside Robert Price. Cllr Thomas informed Councillors that a letter was being sent to Welsh Government to chase up on the decision of the siting of the new bus stop on the A40 by Tescos.  
15/19Members Reports  

Cllr Groucutt – None Cllr Hickman – None Cllr Lewis – None Cllr Jones – None Cllr Tatam – Team Abergavenny, OVW Larger Councils Committee Cllr P Simcock – NMLC Cllr Morgan – None Cllr D Simcock – Team Abergavenny Cllr T Davies – Friends of Bailey Park Cllr Thomas – Ysgol Y Fenni Governors Cllr Konieczny – OLSM Governor, Events Safety Training and Mayoral duties – MCC Chairman installation  

There being no other business the meeting ended at 8.32pm


Action Name
To notify  MCC of additional locations for air pollution monitoring equipmentJL
Arrange another Policy CommitteeJL
Send out email to all Councillors seeking views on establishing a Personal Achievement/Creative AwardTD
To notify Monmouthshire District Scouts of the outcome of the grant applicationJL
To arrange for the redesign of the websiteJL
To arrange insurance renewalJL
To arrange members allowances to be paid in June payrollJL
To inform external organisations of changes to ATC representationJL