Chairman – Cllr T Konieczny (Mayor)
Cllr G Jones
Cllr N Tatam
Cllr M Groucutt
Cllr D Simcock
Cllr S Dodd
Cllr L Van de Vyver
Cllr T Davies
Cllr M Harris
Cllr R Harris
Cllr F Morgan
In attendance:
J Lee (Town Clerk)
35/19 | Apologies Apologies were received from Cllrs M Hickman, T Thomas, M Lewis, P Simcock. Council resolved to accept the reasons for apologies. |
36/19 | Declarations of Interest Cllrs R Harris and M Groucutt declared an interest in agenda item 16 regarding Abergavenny Community Enterprise Partnership as they are both on the Management Board and took no part in the discussions or vote. |
37/19 | To receive and if appropriate to adopt the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on Wednesday 12th June 2019. Resolved to adopt the minutes with the change to 29/19 to read ��.closed footpath between Regent Street and Victoria Street.� |
38/19 | Matters Arising Policy Committee to be arrangedWaiting to hear from MCC if they will be putting in an order for dog bins so 2 for Abergavenny can be added to the orderStickers for dog bins are being produced by MCC for all C&TCs across MonmouthshireAdopt a garden scheme research underwayTown Council branded items report on agendaInvitation to Oliver Barton, Linda Vista Gardens deferred until space on agendaMeeting with KHS School ongoingAdvice re DBS checks carried forwardVE75 sub group to be arrangedHonorarium & Hospitality policies to be draftedInvitation to MCC Green Infrastructure officer deferred until space on agendaAFF confirmed that local traders have register to have stalls in Frogmore StAnnual Governance Statements sent to External AuditorSpecial Council arrangedInvitation to CCTV operator deferred until space on agenda |
39/19 | To receive and if appropriate adopt the minutes of the Planning Committee held on Wednesday 12th June 2019 Resolved to adopt the minutes |
40/19 | Matters arising Cllr Tatam reported that the wall at 38 Princes Street has been built. |
41/19 | To receive and if appropriate adopt the minutes of Special Council held on Tuesday 25th June 2019 Resolved to adopt the minutes |
42/19 | Matters arising None |
43/19 | To receive and if appropriate adopt the minutes of Projects Committee held on Wednesday 26th June 2019 Resolved to adopt the minutes |
44/19 | Matters arising Resolved that �50,000 is provided for the Borough Theatre refurbishment work |
45/19 | To receive and if appropriate adopt the minutes of Finance Committee held on 3rd July 2019 Resolved to adopt the minutes |
46/19 | Matters arising Resolved to approve the following small grants Black Mountain Jazz �900Summer Reading Challenge �125Keep Abergavenny Tidy �70 Resolved to defer the following grant for reconsideration at next Finance Committee Bridges Centre �919.15 Resolved to appoint Auditing Solutions Ltd as the Internal Auditor 2019/20 Resolved for the Town Clerk to purchase a new monitor at the cost of �175 |
47/19 | Finance ReportJuly payments authorisedMonth 3 report noted |
48/19 | To consider and approve the revised report on the new committee structure and scheme of delegation Resolved that new committees be established with the following chairs Policy & Resources Cllr Groucutt, People & Communities Cllr Davies and Environment Cllr Konieczny. Vice Chairs and Chair of Service Delivery Sub Committee to be agreed at the first meeting of the respective Committees To adopt the scheme of delegation |
49/19 | To consider and approve the Partnership Agreement with Abergavenny Food Festival Resolved to revisit the Partnership Agreement in light of advice from Cllr F Morgan on specific wording and to approve �10,000 to the Food Festival in 2019/20 |
50/19 | To consider and approve the Partnership Agreement with Abergavenny Community Enterprise Partnership Resolved to approve the Partnership Agreement |
51/19 | To consider and approve the Partnership Agreement with Monmouthshire County Citizens Advice Resolved to approve the Partnership Agreement |
52/19 | To consider and approve the report on revised proposals for the construction of the Castle Pavilion This agenda item was withdrawn. Discussions on the Castle Pavilion project will be on the Projects Committee agenda on 31st July. |
53/19 | To consider and approve the cost breakdown of Town Council branded items Resolved to purchase lanyards, name badges, hi-viz from Dynamite Branding and business cards to be sourced from an alternative supplier |
54/19 | To consider and if appropriate approve the signing of the Armed Forces Covenant Resolved to sign the Armed Forces Covenant |
55/19 | Questions from Town Councillors to County Councillors on local issues/Information from County Councillors to members Cllr D Simcock requested more information on the planned bus stop by Tescos. Cllr Groucutt informed members that MCC officers were meeting with WG officials to discuss a solution. Cllr Dodd asked that the vegetation in the raised beds is cut back as visibility is difficult. Cllr Groucutt informed members that BBNPA has recently published document as part of the LDP replacement with sites identified to help Abergavenny in expansion plans and a proposed site promoted by MHA for 150 houses at the top of Pen y pound |
56/19 | Members Reports from attendance at External Bodies Cllr Dodd informed members that ADTA is getting another 5000 Visit Abergavenny brochures printed Cllr Van De Vyver attended Team Abergavenny & Friends of Bailey Park Cllr Konieczny attended all necessary Mayoral engagements |
There being no other business the meeting ended at 8.45pm