Small Grant Guidance Notes

Small Grant Guidance Notes


What can we apply for?

Applicants should be able to demonstrate how the project benefits the residents of Abergavenny Town and contributes to one or more of the following objectives:

  • Giving children and young people the best possible start in life
  • Support for community wellbeing including volunteering and active citizenship
  • Supporting an economically thriving community
  • Protecting and enhancing our natural environment

The purpose of the small grants scheme is to provide a small amount of funding for a new project or to plug a funding gap.

How much can we apply for?

The maximum grant in each financial year is £1000. The applicant will be expected to have secured at least 25% of the cost of the project in the form of grants from other grant giving bodies or from their own funds. Applications that do not show that 25% has already been secured will not be considered.

An application for a larger grant (over £1000 up to £2500) is via a different process. A strong case for funding will need to be put forward to secure a larger grant. Please contact the Town Clerk for more information.

When can we apply?

Grant applications can be submitted at any time and will be considered by the Policy & Resources Committee that meets monthly.

Who can apply?

Applications arewelcome from organisations based in or benefitting residents of Abergavenny.

Applications from the following will be ineligible:

  • Individuals
  • Organisations seeking to promote, support or oppose any political party
  • Commercial businesses
  • Church Councils or religious organisations unless for activities with wider community benefit
  • Organisations that restrict membership

Applications from national organisations having local branches may be considered if local benefit can be adequately demonstrated.  

Grants for profit making activities that require seed funding will be considered, however in this situation the grant should be returned should a profit be made

Retrospective applications will not be considered

How do we apply?

An application form is to be completed and sent to the Town Clerk by email or post. Supporting documentation is to accompany the application, this includes a copy of the latest accounts/financial statement and a copy of the constitution.

How will we know if we’ve been successful?

Following the Policy & Resources Committee decision, applicants will be notified of the decision by email within 10 working days.

How will we be paid?

Payment is usually by BACS and in advance

Are there any grant conditions?

Yes, if you intend to accept the grant offer you are requested to send a letter or email to the Town Clerk stating that you accept the offer and will adhere to the conditions set out in the offer letter.

Also, at the end of the project you will be required to submit a final report setting out how the project has contributed to the objective(s) stated in the application and how the Town Council grant has been spent.

This report should be submitted no later than 2 months after the completion of the project. Failure to do so may result in the grant being claimed back and future applications declined.

In all project documentation and publicity, the financial support from the Town Council should be acknowledged and the Town Council crest displayed accordingly.

The Town Council expects all organisations working with young people to have the necessary safeguarding policies in place and reserves the right to request a copy of the organisations safeguarding policy.

What shall we do if we require a larger grant?

Please contact the Town Clerk if your organisation wishes to apply for more than £1000 or require funding for more than one year.

Who should we contact if we have a query or need help completing the form?

Please contact the Town Clerk on 01873 735820 or by email

Other things you should know

If some of the beneficiaries of the grant are from areas outside of the boundary of the Town Council, the Council will expect the applicant to have approached the relevant Community Councils. These are Llanfoist Fawr CC, Llantilio Pertholey CC and Llanelly Hill CC.

Once a grant has been offered, no change can be made by the applicant

VAT will not be paid to VAT registered organisations

Any ongoing revenue commitments of the project will be the responsibility of the applicant

The Town Council reserves the right to inspect the project in progress or at completion and to use any photographs relating to the project in its own publicity.

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