- To receive and approve apologies for absence
- To receive declarations of interest for items on the agenda
- To receive and approve the minutes of the meeting held on 25th September 2019
- To receive the Committee budget and spend to date
- To consider and make recommendations regarding the following planning applications:
- DM/2019/01596 Alterations & extension at 29 Victoria Street, NP7 5DS
- DM/2018/00156 Modification of condition 2 relating to application DC/2018/00156 at 19 Brecon Road, NP7 5UH
- DM/2019/01521 New rear single storey extension at 6 Richmond Avenue, NP7 5RD
- DM/2019/00867 Non material amendment to DM/2019/00867 – revised new position of garage at Skye House, Pentre Road, NP7 7BE
- DM/2019/01627 Double garage construction, 60 Old Barn Way, NP7 6EA
- DM/2019/01624 Single storey rear extension, 29 Old Barn Way, NP7 6EA
- DM/2019/01578 LBC Internal remodelling and refurbishment of existing theatre and toilet space on the second and third floor Abergavenny Town Hall
- To discuss the Town Centre Forum/Partnership proposal
- To receive progress on the ‘Protect & Enhance The Environment’ and ‘Economically Thriving Town’ action tables
- To consider additional actions for inclusion in the action tables
- To discuss whether to respond to the MCC draft ROWIP (Rights of Way Improvement Plan)
- To approve the sale and advertising of the TIC desk
- To discuss whether there is a vermin problem in Abergavenny and whether any action should be taken
- Report from County Councillors on matters affecting Abergavenny relevant to this Committee
- Items for consideration at the next meeting 27th November.