7pm at the Melville Centre, Pen y pound, Abergavenny




  1. To receive and approve apologies for absence
  2. To receive declarations of interest for items on the agenda
  3. To elect a Vice Chair
  4. To receive and approve the Committee Terms of Reference
  5. To receive the Committee budget and spend to date
  6. To consider and make recommendations regarding the following planning applications:

DM/2019/01409 Single storey side extension to existing detached dwelling at 28 Grosvenor Road, NP7 6AH

DM/2019/01303 Side extension at 19 Plas Derwen View, NP7 9SX

DM/2019/01316 Change of use of land from ‘natural regenerating woodland to be retained’ to ‘garden’ at 8 Herbert Close, NP7 7AJ

DM/2019/01362 Variation of condition 2 relating to DC/2018/00007 Magistrates Court, Tudor Street

DM/2019/01167 New residential house build on land adjacent to 87 Chapel Road, Abergavenny

DM/2019/01470 Erection of garden office measuring 5m wide x 3m depth x 2.5m height to north boundary of garden at Vila Mir, Chain Road, NP7 7BS.

  1. To prioritise one action to progress from the ‘Protect & Enhance The Environment’ and ‘Economically Thriving Town’ action tables
  2. To consider additional actions for inclusion in the action tables
  3. To receive the briefing report on the initial meeting with MCC regarding dog fouling bin emptying (written report)
  4. To receive and approve a financial contribution for a litter bin in area adjacent to the cinema (written report)
  5. To receive and recommend approval to Council for a 3 year contract for the ongoing maintenance of the planters in St Johns Square, Nevill St and Lion Street (written report)
  6. To receive and recommend approval to Policy & Resources Committee the appointment of landscape advice for renewing ‘tired’ planted areas around the town (written report)
  7. To receive details of the duty under Section 6 Environment Act 2015 regarding biodiversity (written report)
  8. To receive an update report on the Town Crew proposal (written report)
  9. To receive an update report on the Heritage Fund Restoration of Bailey Park & Gates application (written report)
  10. To consider and if appropriate approve funding for an article in the VisitAbergavenny brochure to enable all Town Festivals to jointly promote their festival at a total cost of £150
  11. To consider applying to the Carnegie Trust Talk of the Towns
  12. To consider the purchase of memorial benches
  13. Report from County Councillors on matters affecting Abergavenny relevant to this Committee
  14. Items for consideration at the next meeting 23rd October.



Terms of Reference

Budget Report

Action Tables

Update regarding dog fouling bin emptying

Request for a litter bin 

Maintenance of planters

Engagement of landscape advice

Duty under Section 6 Environment Act

Town Crew Proposal

Restoration of Bailey Park Gates & Railings

Carnegie Trust Talk of the Towns Project Brief