7pm at the Melville Centre, Pen y pound, Abergavenny
- To receive and approve apologies for absence
- To receive declarations of interest for items on the agenda
- To elect a Vice Chair
- To receive and approve the Committee Terms of Reference
- To receive the Committee budget and spend to date
- To consider and make recommendations regarding the following planning applications:
DM/2019/01409 Single storey side extension to existing detached dwelling at 28 Grosvenor Road, NP7 6AH
DM/2019/01303 Side extension at 19 Plas Derwen View, NP7 9SX
DM/2019/01316 Change of use of land from ‘natural regenerating woodland to be retained’ to ‘garden’ at 8 Herbert Close, NP7 7AJ
DM/2019/01362 Variation of condition 2 relating to DC/2018/00007 Magistrates Court, Tudor Street
DM/2019/01167 New residential house build on land adjacent to 87 Chapel Road, Abergavenny
DM/2019/01470 Erection of garden office measuring 5m wide x 3m depth x 2.5m height to north boundary of garden at Vila Mir, Chain Road, NP7 7BS.
- To prioritise one action to progress from the ‘Protect & Enhance The Environment’ and ‘Economically Thriving Town’ action tables
- To consider additional actions for inclusion in the action tables
- To receive the briefing report on the initial meeting with MCC regarding dog fouling bin emptying (written report)
- To receive and approve a financial contribution for a litter bin in area adjacent to the cinema (written report)
- To receive and recommend approval to Council for a 3 year contract for the ongoing maintenance of the planters in St Johns Square, Nevill St and Lion Street (written report)
- To receive and recommend approval to Policy & Resources Committee the appointment of landscape advice for renewing ‘tired’ planted areas around the town (written report)
- To receive details of the duty under Section 6 Environment Act 2015 regarding biodiversity (written report)
- To receive an update report on the Town Crew proposal (written report)
- To receive an update report on the Heritage Fund Restoration of Bailey Park & Gates application (written report)
- To consider and if appropriate approve funding for an article in the VisitAbergavenny brochure to enable all Town Festivals to jointly promote their festival at a total cost of £150
- To consider applying to the Carnegie Trust Talk of the Towns
- To consider the purchase of memorial benches
- Report from County Councillors on matters affecting Abergavenny relevant to this Committee
- Items for consideration at the next meeting 23rd October.
Update regarding dog fouling bin emptying
Engagement of landscape advice
Duty under Section 6 Environment Act