E 88/22. To receive and approve apologies for absence
E 89/22. To receive declarations of interest for items on the agenda
E 90/22. To receive and approve the�minutes�from the last meeting on 27th�July 2022.
E 91/22. High Street Regeneration Seminar – A Vibrant Destination: Abergavenny’s story � presentation from Cllr Konieczny.
E92/22. To receive a�report�on Abergavenny in Bloom.
E 93/22. To receive and note an�update�from the Town Clerk.
E 94/22. To consider and make recommendations regarding the following planning applications:
22/21381/FUL Change of use and conversion of middle Barn to residential annex, including newly constructed. Connecting Walkway between said Barn and existing Farmhouse. Installation of PV solar panels to Barn roof to provide supply for EV charging point and to supplement Farmhouse energy use. Alterations to the Reading Room located in the Farmhouse, including the installation of a new rooflight. The Green , Llanwenarth Breast, Llanwenarth NP7 7LA.
DM/2022/01116 Change of use of double garage unit into two small holiday lets. (See prev DM/2018/01993). 1 Raglan Terrace, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, NP7 9SR.
DM/2022/01303 LBC – Removal of inappropriate alterations to shops front, including repair and reinstatement of traditional shop front with disabled access. 13 Frogmore Street, Abergavenny
Monmouthshire, NP7 5AG.
E 95/22. To receive and note the Service Delivery�update.
E 96/22. To receive and approve a Finance update on the Environment Budget headings.
E 97/22. Report from Town Councillors attendance at external bodies relevant to this Committee:
- Abergavenny and District Tourist Association: Cllrs Konieczny & Simcock
- Abergavenny Food Forum: Cllrs Nicholson & Konieczny
- Abergavenny In Bloom: Cllrs Konieczny & Wright
- CCTV user group: Cllrs George & Jones
- Friends of Linda Vista Gardens: Cllrs Callard & Simcock
- Friends of Bailey Park: Cllrs Eldridge & Barnes
- Friends of Castle Meadows: Cllrs Simcock & Callard
- Monmouthshire Cc Planning Committee: Cllr Konieczny
- Y Fenni Business Community: Cllrs Barnes & Eldridge
E 98/22. Report from County Councillors on matters affecting Abergavenny relevant to this Committee.
E 99/22. Items for consideration at the next meeting 26th October 2022.