Minutes of the Events Committee held on Wednesday 25th April 2018, Mayor’s Parlour, Town Hall, Abergavenny

Present:         Cllr D Simcock

                        Cllr P Simcock

                        Cllr T Konieczny

                        Cllr F Morgan

                        Cllr T Davies

Ron Olliver, Royal British Legion

In attendance J Lee (Town Clerk)

Apologies were received from Cllr M Hickman  
Declarations of Interest  

No declarations of interest  
Actions from previous meeting not covered on the agenda  

The Town Clerk reminded the meeting that Council has approved up to £400 for each summer concert.  
End of WWI Events  

It was agreed that there should be two community based events.  

Poppy Yarnbombing – to involve as many residents/schoolchildren as possible in making poppies which will adorn the town later in the Autumn.  

A group of key people to be brought together asap to discuss how to run the initiative.   The Town Clerk to co-ordinate a meeting once contact details have been received.   All to send contact details of craft-based groups to the Town Clerk.  

Concert/Play – The Town Clerk reported that Stuart Bawler from the Borough Theatre had directed a WWI based community play for Head4Arts in 2017. Following discussion, the Committee was interested in pursuing the feasibility of this play interjected with other performances from eg Male Voice Choir, band etc.  

The date for the concert was discussed. Agreed that it should be before 11th November and that a date avoiding half term should be identified.  

Town Clerk to discuss options with Stuart Bawler re the play and date.    
                      JL     All                         JL
Abergavenny in Bloom Event  
This is an event to recognise the community involvement in the Abergavenny in Bloom initiative.  

Rev Mark Soady has offered the use of the Priory Centre and this has now been booked for the evening of 20th September.  

Cllr Konieczny proposed that framed certificates are presented to the winners of different categories – school, business, individual, community organisation etc.  

A small budget of £650 to host this event is to be requested from Finance Committee.

The Town Clerk to prepare a proposal for the 9th May Finance Committee    
Votes for Women Event  
No progress to report. Cllr P Simcock, Cllr Davies and the Town Clerk to meet to discuss.    
Summer Concert Series  
The Town Clerk reported that the Borough Band have been booked for Sunday 8th July to play in the Bailey Park Bandstand  

Other suggested concerts/dates as follows:  
24th June – Choirs (4 local choirs?), poss Market Hall 22nd July – Circus Skills Performance, poss outdoors  

The Town Clerk to speak to Stuart Bawler, Borough Theatre re circus skills concert and Market Inspector re use of Market Hall.  
Agreed that a calendar of events is to be prepared for councillors, public and press  

The following should be used to publicise events:  
Digital Noticeboard Abergavenny Now Abergavenny Events Council Website Media Releases sent to Chronicle, Free Press and Abergavenny Focus  
Future Dates  
The following dates were agreed Tuesday 18th June, 6pm Mayor’s Parlour Tuesday 4th September, 6pm, Mayor’s Parlour Tuesday 30th October, 6pm, Mayor’s Parlour  
Any Other Business  
The Town Clerk requested that the Christmas Lights Switch on arrangements is discussed at the next meeting as a number of organisations have already been in touch requesting involvement.


To co-ordinate a poppy yarnbombing meeting once contact details have been receivedJL
All to send contact details of craft-based groups to the Town Clerk.  All
To discuss options re a WWI Community Play with Stuart Bawler re the play and dateJL
To prepare a proposal re the Aber in Bloom Awards Evening for the 9th May Finance CommitteeJL
Cllr P Simcock, Cllr Davies and the Town Clerk to meet to discuss Votes for Women EventPS, TD, JL  
Summer Concerts – to speak to Stuart Bawler, Borough Theatre re circus skills concert and Market Inspector re use of Market Hall.  JL
A calendar of events involving the Town Council is to be prepared for councillors, public and press  JL