Minutes of the Events Committee held on Tuesday 2nd April, 6.00pm, Mayor’s Parlour, Town Hall, Abergavenny

Present:         Cllr T Konieczny (Chair)

                        Cllr D Simcock

                        Cllr P Simcock

                        Cllr F Morgan

In attendance J Lee (Town Clerk)

Apologies were received from Cllrs M Hickman, S Dodd  
Declarations of Interest   None   
Spring Events  
Councillors were informed that the Community Choir Event taking place on Sunday 14th April should be a successful event. During the concert, Chrys Blanchard from Abercappella will be leading all choirs in the singing of Unite, words of the late Jo Cox MP set to music. 

Publicised in the Focus, Abergavenny Voice and Chronicle as well as through posters around the town. Councillors to get involved in the set up.  

Planning has started on the Sunday 19th May Play Event in North Abergavenny. A planning meeting has been arranged on 9th April, 1pm at ACE. MCC on board and hope to get support from Housing Associations.    
Autumn Events     
Suggestions for the two Autumn events were discussed.    

Sunday 8th Sept – Abergavenny Borough Band concert either in Bailey Park or Market Hall.    

October – Storytelling or theatre performance. Need to discuss whether Borough Theatre could be used and if there would be a charge
      JL to contact Borough Band re availability   JL to discuss with Dave Baxter
Refill Abergavenny  
Town Council is leading on this campaign and needs to raise awareness. Agreed that on Saturday 15th June, the Town Council will have a stall in the town and run a Treasure Hunt for participants to find the Refill stations. Small prizes to be given.  

The Town Clerk informed Councillors that there’s an opportunity to apply for funding from Welsh Water. Agreed that this event could be part of the funding bid.    
    All councillors         JL to apply for funding.
Preparation of Annual Events Calendar  
Councillors considered that there was a need for a comprehensive calendar of the main town events. This could be incorporated into the new website. Recommended that this is pursued.
    JL to incorporate into the website   All to consider the mechanism for updating the calendar.  
Date of next meeting  
Tuesday 4th June, 6pm, Morgan Chambers.  
Dave Baxter, Borough Theatre Manager to be invited.
      JL to invite Dave Baxter

The meeting closed at 7.00pm