Minutes of the Events Committee held on Tuesday 4th June, 6.00pm, Central Chambers (Morgans Solicitors), Abergavenny

Present:         Cllr T Davies (Chair)

                        Cllr D Simcock

                        Cllr P Simcock

                        Cllr F Morgan

                        Cllr M Hickman

                        Matt Lane, Abergavenny Round Table (for part of the meeting)

In attendance J Lee (Town Clerk)

The agenda item 7 Christmas Lights Switch On was the first item discussed to allow Matt Lane to leave the meeting.

Apologies              Apologies were received from Cllr T Konieczny   
Declarations of Interest   None   
Event Safety Workshop Feedback  

The Town Clerk informed Councillors that Cllr Konieczny, Town Clerk and Admin Assistant attended this workshop organised by the 5 Gwent local authorities together with Police, Ambulance, Fire.  

Information was circulated following the event and this will be circulated to Events Committee members.  

The training reinforced the needs to allow sufficient time to plan events and to ensure that all stewards were briefed on their role and arrangements should there be an emergency.  

There were discussions on whether Councillors should be DBS checked and also whether a couple of councillors should have First Aid training.    
Spring Events Debrief  

Community Choir Concert – Councillors agreed that the Community Choir event was a success and should be an annual event showcasing different choirs. Councillors were pleased with the numbers attending.  

Sunday Fun Factory – Overall Councillors agreed that this was a good event and one to be improved upon in future years. The provision of food vendors and toilets should be considered in future years. Issues were raised as to an alternative venue should the weather be inclement. The Town Clerk informed Councillors that Deri View School could be used if the event was on a Saturday but not on a Sunday. The Town Clerk also informed Councillors that per person attending this event was more costly and took more time to organise than the Choir concert.    
Autumn Events  
The Borough Band has been booked for Sunday 8th September. It is hoped that the concert can take place in the Market Hall or Brewery Yard but this is dependent on the refurbishment works.  

The Town Clerk reported that there have not been any discussions with the Borough Theatre Manager regarding an event for children in the theatre.  
            JL to progress
Refill Abergavenny Treasure Hunt Sat 15th June  
The Town Clerk reported that a simple treasure hunt to find the Refill Stations is being prepared and the prize will be a cake with a Refill logo topper. At least 8 Councillors are required (2 per hour) to man the stall and promote Refill Abergavenny.    
    All councillors          
Christmas Lights Switch On  
Agreed that a sub group should be set up and this to include MCC Markets, Borough Theatre Manager, Y Fenni Business Community, Matt Lane.
During discussions the following was raised/agreed:  
Switch On to be 5pmChoirs not appropriate entertainment for kidsPaw Patrol Costumes to be hired (Matt has contact)Need more crowd barriers and better steps to access the stageRadios that Round Table can supply do not have sufficient range  
    JL to arrange
VE DAY 75 – 8th May 2020  
The Town Council has invited to take part in the national VE Day 75 commemorations on 8th -10th May 2020.  

It was agreed that the Town Council should mark the occasion and that a sub-group should be set up and contact made with RBL, Father Mark Soady and local SSAFA rep. Cllr Hickman volunteered to be on the subgroup.  
          JL to arrange
  Cllr Morgan requested that future events should consider using the new space being created by the Phase 3 public realm works.         

The meeting closed at 7.15pm