Minutes of the Events Committee held on Tuesday 4th September, 6.30pm, Mayor’s Parlour, Town Hall, Abergavenny

Present:         Cllr T Konieczny (Chair)

                        Cllr D Simcock

                        Cllr S Dodd

                        Cllr T Davies

                        Judith & Ian Vicary, Beaupreau Twinning Association

                        Stuart Bawler, Borough Theatre Manager

                        Ron Olliver, Royal British Legion (for part of the meeting)

Carole Lawrie Royal British Legion Womens Branch (for part of the meeting)

In attendance J Lee (Town Clerk)

Apologies were received from Cllrs M Hickman, P Simcock  
Declarations of Interest  
No declarations of interest  
Review of minutes of the Last Meeting     
Matters arising not on the agenda  

The Town Clerk reported that the Town Council had been successful in the application for 10 silhouettes, part of the There But Not There national installation.   A further poppy yarn bombing meeting will take place on Monday 10th September, 6pm in the Mayor’s Parlour.  

Lighting a Beacon – Town Clerk is awaiting a response from ATC regarding lighting of the beacon on the Blorenge. The location for the small service to be discussed with Rev Mark Soady.  
            JL to follow up arrangements
Beaupreau 30 years Memorial/Event  

Judith and Ian Vicary set out the provisional timetable for the visit 18-21 April 2019. 100 plus visitors are expected, the majority being footballers and families. Thurs 18th – Guests arriveFriday 19th – Football in the afternoonSaturday 20th – Visit to Cardiff. Possible Town Council Civic Reception & Meal on Saturday evening.Sunday 21st – Leave  

A delegation from Beaupreau will be visiting Abergavenny on 10th November to discuss arrangements and it was suggested that the Town Council should be involved in these discussions.  

To mark the 30th anniversary, the Twinning Association is suggesting commissioning an obelisk, plaque or potentially naming of a road, bridge, square if appropriate.  

There is also a proposal to run a competition through the schools for a logo for the visit which can be incorporated onto a small gift such as a mug.   Following discussion, it was agreed that Events Committee require further detail regarding the potential Town Council support. A request was made for the Twinning Association to provide a costed programme for consideration at the next Events Committee on 30 October.    
The Last Post Community Play  

Stuart Bawler provided an update on arrangements for the Community Play and following discussions the following points were noted or agreed for action.  

Auditions start Sat 8th September and a number of actors from the original cast are interested in being involved again. Age limit 8+ Stuart has been advertising online and by direct email Expected duration of the performance is estimated to be 2 hours plus interval RBL invited to help with stewarding on performance nights Sam to book the window display area on Red Square for first 2 weeks of Sept to advertise the play Ron Olliver to send details of the play to RBL County Secretary for circulation Tony to contact Aber Local History Society regarding an exhibition and researching letters for use in the play David to contact the Royal Welsh Regimental Band regarding a small ensemble to play &/or to provide a bugler Tony to contact the Borough Band regarding a small ensemble to play Jane to prepare a press release Jane to follow involvement of ATC band Costs and ticket prices to be revisited once the outcome of the Armed Forces Covenant grant application is known Posters/flyers – Stuart to arrange with original designer  
Christmas Light Switch-On Update  

It was agreed that the switch on time would 6pm rather than the previous early time of 4.30pm.  

Jane to inform City Illuminations of the later switch on time.  

The Committee would like to work in partnership with a number of different organisations to deliver a much bigger ‘Switch-on’ event. To this end a working group has been set up to include the following and the first meeting will take place on Tuesday 18th September, 6pm in the Mayor’s Parlour.  

Cllrs Dodd, Davies, D Simcock, Konieczny, Town Clerk plus Matt Lane (Round Table), Y Fenni Business Community rep and Sharon Hutchinson  
Events for 2019  

The Committee discussed the current programme of summer events and noted that often the events clash with events organised by other organisations. Moving the events to the Spring &/or Autumn would be preferable and further consideration to be given to the type of event.  

Consideration to be given to working with other organisations to co-sponsor events to create larger events.  
Any Other Business  


The meeting closed at 7.2 5pm