Minutes of the Finance Committee of the Council held on Wednesday 1 July 2015 at 6pm in the Mayor`s Parlour, Town Hall, Abergavenny.

Present: Cllr Mrs S Woodhouse (Chair)

Cllrs C Woodhouse, Mrs M Powell, J L Prosser and P Woodley.

In attendance: The Town Clerk

1. Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs R Harris, Ms S Dodd and M Hickman.

2. Declarations of interest would be made as and when necessary.

3. The following grant application was considered:

a) Papillon Arts Group.

Cllr Mrs Woodhouse left the room during this item as she had declared an interest.

The request was for £600 for workshops using different materials. Members discussed the application and there was considerable support for the work done by the group. It was noted however that this was the third application in successive years and we are not the only agency that can provide support. The British Legion, Health Board, Rotary and other Councils were identified as possible sources. It was agreed to recommend that £300 be granted to be sent with a letter outlining the other possible sources that could be pursued.

4. Additional Dog Bins

The Clerk provided a list of dog bins to which two more existing ones were added at the meeting, making 26 in all. He asked for a view from members about whether more could be provided as further requests do come in from time to time. There was a short discussion during which the question of sponsorship by vets might be looked at again was raised. He would provide a map showing the locations of existing bins and members would be asked to monitor usage of the bins in their areas. At the moment no more should be ordered.

5. Monthly Finance Report update. The Clerk circulated the monthly budget reports for month 3. They had not been reconciled as the end of month bank statements were awaited. The system had been adjusted so that new codes can now be included. The code for travel expenses had been included. Members noted the reports which would be provided at Council in complete form.

6. Other business.

a) It was suggested that the revised Town Map should be shown to the TIC Officer for her views before it is reprinted. It was also suggested that we should invite representatives of the Eisteddfod Committee to our Projects Committee to update the Council on progress with arrangements for the Eisteddfod. Mr Olding and Mr Saunders would be invited.

b) Grant conditions.

There was a discussion on the conditions that are attached to Council Grants. This was triggered by an e-mail from the Food Festival Chief Executive outlining how she proposed to acknowledge the Town Council input to the Festival. After discussion it was agreed to recommend that the grant cheques when issued should be accompanied by a standard letter asking for feedback at the end of the project, publicity to acknowledge the Council`s contribution, and that failure to  acknowledge this may result in future grant applications being refused. The Clerk would liaise with the Chair on the form of the letter.

c) Staging.

The Town Clerk reported that staging bought jointly with the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee during the Jubilee year had been taken from Abergavenny by the Monmouthshire Events Officer and was now under his control. An exchange of e-mails with him and the Clerk were tabled, in which it was made clear that although the staging could be used throughout the County it should be returned to Abergavenny after each use and its availability should be decided in Abergavenny. At present we are awaiting its return to Abergavenny following the Eisteddfod Proclamation last week. Members agreed with this action and asked to be kept up to date.

d) Payments to the County Council.

He Clerk had received an account for the cost of the manual road sweeper for the whole year. He had also had a discussion with the Cleaning Manager about how often we should be billed for the opening and cleaning of Bailey Park toilets. It had been suggested that this should be quarterly. After discussion it was agreed to recommend that in future County Service bills should be paid quarterly as a standard procedure. There was some discussion about the present sweeping schedules, and it was agreed that the Clerk would ask for an up to date schedule which members could scrutinise and comment upon.

e) Projects Committee

It was identified that there was a problem of member availability on 16 July so it was recommended that the meeting be rescheduled for 23rd July at 7pm.

f) Members received and acknowledged a revised schedule of grants give over the last few years which showed each organisation and the grants it had received. This was received with thanks.

The meeting ended at 7:05pm

Summary of recommendations:

1. That a grant of £300 be made to Papillon Arts Group on the conditions set out above.

2. That sponsorship of dog bins be pursued again, but no additional bins purchased at this time.

3. Month 3 Finance reports were received.

4. Subject to comments from the TIC Officer, the revised Town Map be reprinted with a short run to satisfy this year`s need.

4. Eisteddfod Committee Representatives be invited to a Projects Committee Meeting.

5. Release of Grant Cheques should be accompanied by a standard letter to require feedback and acknowledgement of the Council`s contribution.

6. The position concerning the staging should be endorsed.

7. Payments to the County Council should be quarterly.

8. Projects Committee be rescheduled to 23 July.

9. The revised schedule of grants be acknowledged and continued.