Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 1st May 2019

at 7pm in the Mayor’s Parlour.


Cllr P Simcock (Chair)

Cllr N Tatam

Cllr D Simcock

Cllr T Davies

In attendance: Jane Lee (Town Clerk)

  1. Apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Cllrs Dodd, Jones, Van de Vyver

To be declared during the meeting

The Town Clerk explained that the Year End Closedown has not yet been actioned therefore a month 1 report for 2019/20 is not available. The Chair requested a list of earmarked reserves so that the level of reserves can be monitored.

The Committee considered an application for a £375 grant towards a panel to accompany the poppy display at Abergavenny Castle. Cllr Tatam proposed, Cllr Davies seconded, vote carried unanimously.

The Town Clerk explained that the application expected regarding a Youth Mental Health Project will not be submitted, as the prospective applicant is not constituted in accordance with the grant criteria.

The Town Clerk informed Councillors that three companies had been invited to quote for the redesign of the website and one quote was received. This is from a local company Jerboa Media and recommends two options depending on the content management system used – Umbraco or WordPress.

Following discussions, Councillors recommend the Umbraco website option which is potentially more secure. The cost of the website redesign will be £2,400 which is within the budget allocation.


 To agree £375 grant to Monmouthshire District Scouts for the panel to accompany the poppy installation  
 To agree the website redesign by Jerboa at a cost of £2400  

The meeting closed at 7.47pm