Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 4th July 2018 at 7pm in the Mayor’s Parlour.


Cllr P Simcock (Chair)

Cllr N Tatam

Cllr D Simcock

Cllr T Davies

Cllr S Dodd

In attendance: Jane Lee (Town Clerk)

  1. Apologies for absence

Apologies received from Cllr G Jones. The Town Clerk informed the Committee that Cllr Morgan Lewis has resigned from the Finance Committee due to work commitments. His resignation was noted.


It was agreed that the Chair and the Town Clerk meet to draft Terms of Reference for the Committee

In light of the resignation of Cllr Morgan Lewis, a request is to be made from Finance Committee to Council for an additional Councillor to join the Finance Committee

The new format of the budget report was discussed and all agreed that having committed expenditure, % spend to date together with the annual budget was more informative. This format will enable the Finance Committee to identify those cost centres where there is underspend or overspend and report to Council accordingly.

Thanks to the Town Clerk for the reformatting of the budget reports was noted.

Regarding the unallocated budget within the Projects cost centre, there was some discussion on how this should be allocated. It was felt that exercise should follow the Visioning session in September and further work is required on differentiating between sponsorship and partnership funding. Chair and Town Clerk to draw up a list of organisations which fall into the two different categories.

After detailed consideration the following grants are recommended for approval:

Cllr Sam Dodd declared an interest as one of the quotations was from her uncle.

Two quotes have been received for a new wooden board for the names of past mayors.

Quote 1 – £238.00 to supply and fit

Quote 2 – £246.00 to supply only

It was agreed to recommend that the work is awarded to the company supplying quote 1.

The cost of the names plates in brass will be £38.50. This was agreed for the past Mayor D Simcock and the replacement of all 44 plastic names (at a cost of £1694) of the other past mayor board will be considered as part of the budget setting for 2019/20. The new board will also have a brass header.

This item was dealt with under agenda item 5

These areas for discussion were identified

Cllr T Davies raised concerns regarding a number of CCTV cameras in the town that are not working and whether the Town Council should consider changing contractors. The Town Clerk reported this is as a result of a power supply fault and that the Town Council pays MCC for provision of CCTV. The Town Clerk will seek clarification from MCC regarding the timescale for repair and any potential rebate for the time that the cameras are not working

The meeting closed at 8.20pm


That the following grants are approved:   AAODS –  £2500 towards Junior AAODS production of Oliver   Royal Welsh Regimental Association – £400 towards a new Standard   MCC Reading Challenge – £125 towards prizes for the Summer Reading Challenge   Thursday Trust – It was agreed that an offer of grant of £1500 be offered in principle subject to receipt of an invoice.  
That the following grant application be rejected:   Crafty Knitters – declined  
That Quote 1 for the supply and fixing of an additional past mayors board be accepted.   That names of past Mayors are engraved on brass and that replacement of existing plastic nameplates is considered in 2019/20