Minutes for the Finance Committee meeting held in the Mayor`s Parlour, Town Hall, Abergavenny on Wednesday 6 May 2015 at 6pm.

Present: Cllr Mrs S Woodhouse (Chair)

Cllrs M Hickman JP, C Woodhouse, Mrs M Powell, R Harris, Ms S Dodd, P Wadsworth

In attendance: The Town Clerk, Cllrs S Horrell and P Woodley

1. There were no apologies for absence.

2. Declarations of interest would be made as and when necessary.

3. The following grant applications were considered:

a) Ysgol Gymraeg Y Fenni. A request for a grant to assist with transporting children to the Urdd Centre was considered. It was agreed to recommend that a grant of £225 be made for this.

b) Abergavenny Community Centre. A request for a grant to produce a print run of 5000 leaflets for two different leaflets was considered,. It was agreed that at this early stage the Centre needs help with publicity materials and that it would be recommended for support. Agreed to recommend that a grant of £248 as requested, be made.

4.  Quotation for work in High Street. This was no longer needed as the work had been done urgently by the County Council as the fascia woodwork had started to fall off.

5. Audit information for the 2014/15 Audit. Members received the printout of the financial summary for the Annual Audit Return. The Clerk said that work is continuing with the Internal Auditor to complete the Internal Audit and it was anticipated that the full report would go to the June Council Meeting. Members noted the report.

6. Month 1 Printouts. The Clerk presented the month1 printouts which would go to council next week. There are some problems with the functionality of the RBS Finance System at present which means that it is impossible to create new codes in the budget. He would follow this up with the company once the urgent business of this week and next had been resolved. Members received the report.

7. Insurance. The Clerk and Cllr Wadsworth had scrutinised the quotation and a revised schedule of named items, together with an additional insured risk for contracts had been sent back to the Insurers. A revised quotation had now been received of £1200.05 which was more than £200 less than before. It was recommended that the new quotation be accepted.

8. Gateway Credit Union. Members discussed the Annual Report. It was noted that the Credit Union seems to be on a sound footing so that it would not damage them if the Council were to withdraw its funds from the organisation. It was recommended that the money be withdrawn in full and placed in reserves, against the possibility of funds being needed to support local services.

9. A letter was received from Mr G Harris concerning Toy Fair Expenditure. It was agreed to recommend that £50 be paid to Mr J Fletcher, £120 to Newport Engineering Club and another £30 for the display of model trains in the Market Hall.

10. There being no other business the meeting ended at 6:30pm.

Summary of recommendations:

1. A grant of £225 be paid to Ysgol Gymraeg Y Fenni.

2. A grant of £248 be paid to Abergavenny Community Centre.

3. Audit Information for 2014/15 be received.

4. Month 1 Printouts be received.

5. The revised insurance quotation of £1200.05 be accepted.

6. The Council`s funds in Gateway Credit Union be withdrawn.

7. Small payments from the Toy Fair grant be agreed as above.