Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 9th May 2018 at 6pm in the Mayor’s Parlour.


Cllr D Simcock (Chair)

Cllr N Tatam

Cllr P Simcock

Cllr T Davies

In attendance: Jane Lee (Town Clerk)

In the absence of a permanent Chair of Finance the Mayor Cllr David Simcock assumed the Chair.

  1. Apologies for absence

Apologies received from Cllrs S Dodd, F Morgan, G Jones

Cllr T Davies declared a personal interest as Secretary of Friends of Bailey Park.

After detailed consideration the following grants are recommended for approval:

Cllr T Davies left the room for the duration that the application from Friends of Bailey Park was considered.

It was noted by the Committee that the number of grant applications is likely to result in the budget being fully committed before the end of the year. However before Finance Committee makes a recommendation on this matter, more clarity is required regarding the allocation of the Projects Budget.

It is recommended that a budget of £650 is made available for this event from the Abergavenny in Bloom budget

It is recommended that the payroll function is carried out by an accountancy company at a cost of £400 for first year (as there will be set up costs) but thereafter the cost will be £200 a year.

It is recommended that a trainer from RBS delivers onsite training on the RBS

Omega Financial Software for the Town Clerk and Admin Assistant at a cost of

£399 plus mileage of approx. £70.

Town Clerk reported that the cost of cleaning the robes (without fur) is £15 per robe.

It is recommended that the Civic Functions budget is used to fund the cleaning of the robes (without fur) and that initially one robe is cleaned to gauge the success or otherwise.

The Mayor noted that the Chains of Office require restoration and this should be considered in the future.

Cllr P Simcock proposed that future agendas have a financial report showing committed and actual spend against the different budget headings

The meeting closed at 8.50pm