1. To receive and approve apologies for absence.
2. To receive declarations of interest for items on the agenda
3. To elect a Mayor for 2023-24 municipal year as directed in statute, Local Government Act 1972 ss 15(2) and 34(2). Nominations to follow.
Retiring Mayor says “Councillor xxx, by the majority vote of the Council, you have been elected to the office of Town Mayor for the year 2023/24.”
4. To Receive the Newly Elected Town Mayor’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office
Town Clerk says – “Mr/Madam Mayor please read and sign the declaration of acceptance of office”
NOTE: The newly elected Mayor will preside over the remainder of the meeting.
5. To elect a Deputy Mayor for 2023-24. Nominations to follow.
The newly elected Mayor says – “Councillor xxx, by the majority vote of the Council you have been elected to the office of Deputy Mayor for the year 2023/24”.
6. To receive the Deputy Town Mayor’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office
Town Clerk says – “Mr/Madam Deputy Mayor please read and sign the declaration of acceptance of office”.
7. To agree Chairs & Vice Chairs of Committees for 2023-24 currently:
o Policy & Resources Committee: Chair: Cllr Phil Bowyer; Vice Chair: Cllr Maurice Barnes
o People & Communities Committee: Chair; Cllr Gethin Jones: Vice Chair Cllr Bryony Nicholson
o Environment Committee: Chair; Cllr Tony Konieczny: Vice Chair: Cllr Chris Holland
8. To nominate Councillors for Representation on External Bodies 2023-24 (list for 22/23)
9. To receive and approve the Asset Register 2023-24
10. To receive and approve the Risk Register 2023-24
11. To receive and approve the Standing Orders 2023-24
12. To receive and approve the Financial Regulations 2023-24
13. To approve and adopt the self-assessment template for the Council.
14. To readopt the following policies:
- Social Media Policy (date due for review May 2023)
- DISCIPLINARY POLICY & PROCEDURE (date due for review Sept 2023)
- EQUALITY & DIVERSITY POLICY (date due for review Sept 2023)
- GRIEVANCE POLICY & PROCEDURE (date due for review Sept 2023)
- SICKNESS ABSENCE POLICY & PROCEDURE (due for review Oct 2023)
- TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT POLICY (due for review Oct 2023)
15. To receive and reapprove the Scheme of Delegation
16. To receive and note the attendance record for 2022 -23
17. To review training undertaken by Councillors during 2022/23